Chapter 5 Book Friend and Ice Cream

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Another chapter, I may continue with Vol 1, don't worry, the deviation with the novel will be more reflected after May 1


I continue my daily life normally, Sakura seems to have gotten closer, and apparently she followed my advice about Miyake and Hasebe, so I see her more confident now with a friendship of her gender.

Today I wanted to explore the library here a little, in the White Room there were a lot of books, but very few were for entertainment and more for study, I owe this opportunity

While checking the area, I saw a girl reaching for a book in the mystery area, she had silver hair and violet eyes, I remember she belongs to class C, her attempt to reach the book made her look adorable, but I resisted the temptation and choose to help her, briefly touching our hands

Ayano: Do ​​you want help?

???: Thanks, it's not to read it, I noticed it was in the wrong area and I wanted to accommodate it

Ayano: I see

I passed him the book and I left until...

???: Wait, excuse me, but do you like mystery books?

I thought you would ask me my name, but it seems you are interested in that topic, well, I have nothing to lose, among my few friends, none shared my taste for literature and it could be helpful to meet someone from another class

Ayano: That's right, it's my favorite genre

???: Like me, I'm Shiina Hiyori from Class C, nice to meet you

That smile seemed quite genuine to me unlike Kushida, she looked like a true Angel

Ayano: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Class D, the pleasure is mine

Shiina: If you like that genre, would you like to read any of these?

She opened her backpack and showed several books, mostly of the mystery genre, I'm surprised I carried that around all day.

Ayano: Is it okay if I order this one?

-Sorry I don't know about that genre-

Shiina: Good choice (she said with a brighter smile than before)

Ayano: do you mind if we sit over there?

Shiina: Gladly

We talked about some topics, I prepared myself mentally if she wanted to get information out of me, but mostly it was about books, we took one each and read in silence, but I didn't bother and apparently neither did she.

We continued like this until it was getting dark, so I proceeded to withdraw

Ayano: It's already night, will you stay longer?

Shiina: Oohh, I hadn't realized, time flies when you're having fun right?

Ayano: You're right.

Shiina: I'm leaving too, do you mind if we walk back?

Ayano: Okay, do you think I'm going to the store on the way?

Shiina: no problem

We gathered our things and headed to the store, I remembered there was something I definitely had to try before the end of the month

I had only read about, and there are limits to what imagination can be, especially mine, when I saw it, I couldn't help but take 5, just to try each flavor, I immediately opened one, SWEET, my first flavor is Chocolate, I felt a smile almost formed, something he hadn't done in years

Shiina looked at me with a surprised face, I forgot that she was with me, I must change the subject

Ayano: By the way, Shiina, do you always carry so many books?

Shiina: Yes, so if I ever met someone who also liked reading I could share them

Wait, how long has that been charging? it's stronger than it looks

Ayano: What about your friends in your class?

Suddenly he put on a rather sad expression, I felt discomfort in my chest, is this what is known as guilt? I have done things that could be considered bad in the past, because I never felt that until now?

Shiina: Well, I don't have friends, not even in my class, so I stay in the library, most of them seem better in physical things, sometimes I talk to Ryuuen but it's more with class issues

Could it be that she did not realize that she shared information with me? Even so, I wouldn't be able to take advantage of her, besides, I won't participate in this upcoming competition

Ayano: So, are we friends?

Shiina: Ehh, yes with pleasure, if you want you can call me by my name

Ayano: Okay, if you call me by mine Hiyori

Hiyori: Hmph, it will be my pleasure, Kiyotaka

We continue our return to the dormitories, before saying goodbye we exchange contact

I already have 4 contacts on the phone, although most of them are girls, I hope to find another lonely baron in the class

Enjoy my time in my room and get ready for tomorrow, I remember tomorrow open swimming lessons, I don't want to have to deal with the looks with my body, I have kept my routine with exercising in my room and running very early, so I have read, the looks would be very annoying

Maybe make up an excuse...

Well, that's all for today, as you saw the next cap will be the swimming class, I don't remember if it was before or after May 1, in this case it will be before, it will be a short cap since it will avoid attracting attention and little interaction with Horikita

Thank you very much for your support, I am open to comments, greetings

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