Chapter 23 Attack the root

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We continue the story 😉

Trash POV

The day finally came, fate was on my side, to think that I would come to this same school, when I wrote to her she just ignored me, but later I saw her in person, even with glasses and that hairstyle I could never forget her

One day she came with a certain guy, although she avoided my eyes, I was able to recognize her, I used the cameras to locate where they would be sent, I had to spend some points to track her down but in the end I was able to find which room was hers

I started sending him letters, all unanswered, to this day

She told me that she wanted to see me and indicated a private flirt, I immediately accepted

I finally found her there

She is more beautiful up close

Garbage: I knew you loved me, let me show you my love...

Shizuku: Long

Garbage: what?

Shizuku: I don't want you to keep harassing me, please stay away from me

Garbage: You, you don't understand how much I love you, let me show you

I approached her but just before touching her, I felt a strong in the head...

everything went dark

When I opened my eyes I was... handcuffed, there were policemen surrounding me, what the hell?...

And she's being hugged by that guy...



We saw how the stalker was taken away by the police, Airi hadn't let go of me for several minutes, I haven't pushed her away either

I prefer to avoid unnecessary risks, setting him up along with the other evidence was the most decisive way to get rid of him.

The hardest thing was getting Airi to agree to it, that's why she made sure she didn't touch her, once I had enough video evidence, she knocked him out with one punch.

Airi has little will, but that makes her valuable, someone close to me who totally depends on me, she will never betray me, I can learn a lot from her

Kiyotaka: You did well Airi, I'm proud of you

Airi: Hmph, I was really scared...

Kiyotaka: It's normal, you still faced it and now you're free

Airi: You protected me...

Kiyotaka: Of course, I promised you.

Airi: Was it necessary to be violent?

Kiyotaka: Would you have preferred that I didn't?

Airi: I didn't say that!!

As I look into her eyes, I continue to speak

Kiyotaka: There is your answer, you can't worry about everyone, focus on your well-being and that of those you appreciate

Airi: I hadn't thought of it like that...

Kiyotaka: If you need support, you'll have me, don't forget

Airi: Thank you....Kiyotaka

Airi: Do you think I can help you too? You are very strong and trustworthy...

Kiyotaka: everything depends on your effort, there are many ways to help me, can I count on you?

Airi: Always!!!

Kiyotaka: I'm counting on you.

We continue like this for a while longer, I wonder how much you can advance for me, Airi

time jump

The rest of the semester has gone by without problems, at least for us, I was able to convince the others to accept my "help" regarding points, mentioning the pool day bet, luckily they weren't sure how much I had won

Airi has acted more open, her stutter has almost disappeared, I can already see the eyes of the others, but she seems not to do so more out of disgust than fear

She has also made an effort in studies and exercise, she asked me to train her in self-defense after vacation, her progress impresses me

I have also visited the library to play with Arisu, it is becoming more interesting, also being able to talk about various topics, it seems that she enjoys talking about how she entertains herself with the show

Apparently Class C has been targeting Class B through bullying, assault claims and even sexual harassment, it seems Ichinose has had her hands full.

So far she has ended up in a few suspensions, and Class B losing 50 class points.

She has even put in effort in studies and exercise, she asked me to train her in self-defense after vacation, her progress impresses me

I have also enjoyed reading sessions with Hiyori, it is nice to spend quiet moments with someone with the same reading tastes, she also stays away from the conflict between classes, so we spend our time reading quietly

According to Arisu, Nagumo will make things more interesting, a kind of meritocracy more reason to stay away from the student council,

If half of what Arisu said about him is true, she'll have a hard time, I'm sorry Ichinose, but my Peaceful Life is priority

Kiyotaka: Thanks for the story, although I don't plan to chime in.

Arisu: Fufu, that's why I'm telling you, if you interfere I can play with you, otherwise I'll just have a good time

Kiyotaka: It'll be a good 3 years then, but I'll make sure you enjoy it, Checkmate

time jump

The week before vacation, she makes her move, it seems I overestimated her too much

Chabashira: Ayanokouji help me carry these papers

He says it in the last hour, just before I leave, but it was clear that he was waiting for me.

Kiyotaka: I'm a bit busy Sensei

Chabashira: It won't take long.

Kiyotaka: I see, I'll see you soon, Airi, can you prepare the material please

Airi: Eh, yes, I'll be ready

With that I follow Chabashira towards the teacher's room

How's it going? I think everyone will understand who I mean by "garbage", I didn't want to prolong her thought, even in the canon there isn't much progress without Sudou's case, and if you wonder why there hasn't been Ryuuen, well, he wouldn't waste his time with the 0 point class, without Kiyotaka his original plan was first Class D, then B and finally A against Arisu, see you soon 😉

938 Words

COTE Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Vida pacíficaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz