Chapter 60 The End of the Class

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A few days have passed after the results of the "Paper Shuffle", the atmosphere has not changed, now the room looks bigger, in total, 21 people have been expelled

kayama: good morning everyone

Kayama-sensei continued the classes as usual.


A notification came to the group but it wasn't just the Class, it went to the school forum, a certain video, in the.... Karuizawa was seen helping Ryuuen and confessing her actions in the Zodiac exam

Karuizawa: Why??.... I did what you asked me to....

In the silent room, that whisper was heard by everyone, in the end the dam broke

Maezono: What does this Karuizawa mean?

Nene: I can't believe it, why didn't you do that?

Hondou: And what about "I did what you asked me"?

Karuizawa: I...I...

Hirata: ENOUGH!!!

With that cry, everyone fell down, Hirata slowly approached karuizawa...

Meeting his gaze, it seemed Karuizawa saw a slight hope...

Hirata: Karuizawa, was it you who placed the role on Matsushita and Satou?

Karuizawa: Uh....

Hirata: Answer!!!

Karuizawa: I... I....

Hirata: I see...


A loud blow was heard, Hirata had slapped Karuizawa, she began to bleed and cry...

Shinohara: Hirata-kun!!!

Hirata: Shut up, I shouldn't have helped them, I should have helped those ten,

Kushida: Guys this is not the time to argue, we are in class

With Kushida's words, everyone realized, Kayama-sensei didn't make a sound, he was just watching the situation even though someone

Miyamoto: Does it even matter? I say we are still at 0 points since May right? what will happen?

Surprisingly, it was Miyamoto who realized, certainly, there will be no more punishment at least in class points, as long as you can pass the exams.

Kushida: Well....

Hirata: Then just stop coming, why continue here, just full of betrayals, sabotage, lies, because they like to hurt each other!!!!

Kayama: Enough, Hirata Yousuke, come with me to the address, Kushida, please take Karuizawa to the infirmary, then I'll talk to her

Hirata: No need, I don't want to stay here anyway

He packed his things and left, ignoring the teacher and everyone, no one dared to stop him.

After a few minutes, the silence was broken...

Hondou: You're right...

Inohashira: What are you talking about?

Hondou: Why do we come? We will never get to Class A, not even Class C, even in the first month they only took Class points from us, but now... if we just pass the exams, we can live here for free right?

That thought would usually be denied, but in the current state, with more than half expelled and two of the Class's pillars gone, it sounded like sweet singing.

Miyamoto: well, I'll do what I want, it depends if they're going to study or not

Okitani: me too

One by one, the students left, they seem to forget the special exams, but there is no reason to remind them

Airi: Guys, what if we go to our room

Haruka: Good idea Airi-chan

With "our room" they refer for some reason to my room, although there is not as much space as before now that several things have been bought but that also helps for entertainment

Once we arrive...

Keisei: What are you going to do?

Haruka: Well, I'm not sure, in a way they're right that nothing would happen with a lack from time to time...

Akito: What about the classes?

Airi: We can rotate, or catch up by asking the topics seen, the plan seems the same for the whole year

Keisei: Don't slack off so much, if another exam comes you'll have to work hard!!!

Kiyo: It's okay, no need to yell.

Keisei: I'm sorry... it's just that I don't want to lose anyone... oh

Haruka: yukimuuu if you love us!!!

Akito: We all heard you

Kesei: Wait...that....

Kiyo: I appreciate you too keisei

Airi: Kiyo-kun

Kiyo: Much more to you Airi

Airi. hmph

Today can be considered as the end for the class, but our school life still continues, together with Airi, I plan to continue enjoying this Peaceful Life

How's it going? I hope you liked it, with this we close Arc 6, a somewhat dark ending for the Class, but full of light for KiyoxAiri and Vida Pacifica – chan, if you are wondering why so many chapters? It's not just for the special eh, I had free time and I took advantage of it since I'll take a break for a day off here in Mexico, see you soon 😉

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