Chapter 25 Repentance

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Hello, what did you think of the marathon? I had wanted to write this chapter a long time ago, and I see many have also waited for it, thanks for your votes and comments, they inspire me to continue writing 😉

chabashira pov

In the end I did, I know it was risky, but it is possible that this boy is my only chance to get to class A, I have never forgotten that mistake I made in that exam, because of my indecision we ended up in class D

I will not sit idly by again, the President said that this boy grew up in an environment without love, but... I know he is special, for him to approve it himself, I was able to confirm it by seeing his grades, it is impossible that it was a coincidence

But... I didn't expect him to be so stubborn, he doesn't have any aspirations for class A, I thought he was just bad at expressing himself or maybe he really didn't figure out the S system in time, but I kept betting on him

I even made Horikita Suzune, the sister of the Student Council President notice it, but I was also disappointed, to think that his flaw would be so big.

I didn't tell the class about the change of topic, hoping they would notice, at least some, but it was more luckily they did, too late, even so it was still possible to save

But it did nothing, when I saw the results I was also surprised, all with low grades, but I noticed a person if I advance, I have been observing him and that same girl was part of his group, I pointed him out to the room indirectly, but to my surprise, no one knew her! How can they be so stupid?

In the end there were 6 expelled and they lost the few points they had achieved

To make it worse the whole class went to report me, although I received no punishment, they have had me in the crosshairs, I have had to put up with staying on the sidelines since then

I reminded Horikita again how skilled Ayanokouji was but she used it in the worst way, I tried to force her to cooperate, but I didn't take into account almost anything, I expected too much from her

In the end, she was kicked out by her own brother, all in Chie's presence, I feel like Ayanokouji made sure it's her to report Horikita to.

The dais continued, finally, being close to the cruiser I was able to move more freely, so I took Ayanokouji to the living room, made sure that the cameras were not operating and removed all devices.

I finally made my threat with the little information I heard from the President, despite his expressionless face, I felt immense hatred coming from him.

I know it's risky, but I couldn't bear another 3 years as Class D, knowing that there is even a small chance to fulfill my dream...

The next day I made my preparations for the class, very soon the vacations would start, and I will see if it was worth the risk

Mashima: Chabashira, come with me.

Chabashira: good morning...?

I have known Mashima for years, I had never seen him so serious, I chose to follow him, perhaps...?

Chabashira: classes will start soon, is it important?

He didn't answer me, he just kept walking

I felt goosebumps when I saw where it took me, the room of the President of the board of directors

Upon entering, the atmosphere was overwhelming

COTE Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Vida pacíficaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora