Author's Words

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Hello everyone, thanks for reading this story, this was my first fanfic, I know it was full of mistakes and maybe forced too fast, but I didn't want to delete it, how to hate your creation?

I have read many fanfic since I saw COTE, but I did not see one that was focused on peace, the main character mentions that a lot, although he also contradicts himself since he seeks to lose

For this story I wanted him to focus 100% without getting carried away like at the beginning of the novel but without deviating from his goal of a peaceful life.

I was in doubt about who the heroine would be, but then I saw what happened to Airi and decided that she deserved more, they left her aside since volume 7 it seems to me, when she had her in her palm since volume 2, if I wanted I am surely it would have developed more, I hope I have exemplified it in this story, something like when he insisted that Horikita help Sudou, but the main character refused to guide Airi

Taking advantage of the moment, I didn't like the reason for his expulsion either, he had it served on a silver platter after executing his plan to finish off Kushida, he made it clear and that was it, but after Horikita's words, he threw everything away. the work, the exhibition, the plan? For Horikita's authority won't weaken?

Of course, I know that the main character is like that and he does great, I thought that he would leave them to win or for freedom, I would have understood, but to help Horikita? Pull your friends and relationships that you had done and the first real friend and what did she like for that?

By the way, I read a good one shot where he chooses to save Airi from @amemae1, I recommend it 😉

Going back to the story... I'm sorry I left it abandoned, work, distraction, but the initiative faded when I wrote the scenes that I wanted to read the most, I think those who liked this story will know which ones I mean 😉

After that, I couldn't think of how to continue, I have ideas of other stories, but to continue this one without harming Vida Pacifica-chan, which was the essence of her, I couldn't find a way...

However, her comments and votes encouraged me to give it an ending, thank you very much !!!! 😊

So I thought... how to finish the story without damaging the essence of it, and that's how this idea came up...

Happy ending (at least for some) and enjoying peace and family

Thank you very much to all again

I will work on my next fic huh, I am between some reactions to this and other stories and another without holding back but without worrying about the class, seeing defects suffer is always pleasant 😉

By the way, do you know if I can put lemons without using the "Ripe" label? I read this label makes the story not be publicized so much, I would like not to use it so worse without risking being banned or something like that, anyway

See you 😊

COTE Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Vida pacíficaWhere stories live. Discover now