Chapter 21 Making things clear

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Hello again, thank you all very much, the last chapter was quite entertaining, nothing personal huh 😏, a few chapters from finishing this volume, perhaps some are seeing how it will end 😉


After finishing that matter, I could feel more... "light", Horikita had potential, but her defect overshadowed her too much, it would take a lot of effort to educate her, but unlike Airi, she would only bring more problems with her obsession with Class. A, so I couldn't be easy on her

Perhaps if I let myself be carried away by curiosity I would have helped the class and her a little, to see how it developed, but that would endanger my Peaceful Life, before coming to this school my goal was to satisfy my curiosity and a Peaceful life at the same time, but when I noticed how special this school is as well as the problems that Sensei would cause me, I knew I had to choose

"There is a difference between a lost battle and one that cannot be won"

I have chosen my peaceful life and I will keep my decision

While I lost my thoughts, I was unaware that I was being pulled from the magna by Hoshinomiya-sensei, something about tending to my wound, well I will avoid the questions from the room while things calm down

Hoshinomiya: Mmm Ayanokouji-kun look at ignoring your cute sensei while she takes care of you

Ayanokouji: I'm sorry, I was thinking of something

Hoshinomiya: Do you still think about Horikita-chan? It's a shame, but don't blame yourself, she was the one who attacked you, she must accept the consequences

Hoshinomiya: I heard that she was the president's sister, I thought she would be something like her brother

I was surprised too, I suppose she is from the family not knowing how to communicate

Ayanokōji: Thank you sensei

Hoshinomiya: It was very smart of you to use a recorder and notice the cameras in the room.

Ayanokouji: We're in our third month, I'm more surprised that someone didn't notice

Hoshinomiya: Well, almost the whole class was.

Hoshinomiya: By the way, how was it with Sae-chan that day? you left me curious

Ayanokouji: Let's just say she's worthy of being Class D's teacher.

With those words, she paused for a few seconds, then finished the healing.

Hoshinomiya: well, if you need help, you can count on your Sensei

Ayanokouji: I thank you, but my only goal in this school is a Peaceful Life, Horikita I don't accept that

I look directly into her eyes, I saw some surprise in her, but she seems to understand what I wanted to convey

Hoshinomiya: Well, I wish you fulfill your goal only

Ayanokouji: Thank you.

With that I left, I took my time to return to the classroom, by then the classes had already finished, I received some messages to which I asked them to wait for me a few minutes

When I arrived, surprisingly everyone was still in the room, my friends were close to my seat, even Airi, although with a look more than just concern

Haruka: Kiyopon are you alright?

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