Chapter 26 SS Kushida

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Coming back from break, hello again, starting with the SS, enjoy 😉

Kushida POV


I never imagined that shady boy would be the one to set me free

When I entered this school, I expected to be able to enjoy my school life, after the incident in middle school, I could barely graduate from there, the mark I had left was something they would never forget, and neither did I.

That's why I was very happy when I was accepted into this school, zero contact with the outside, means I could start over, this time, I wouldn't make the same mistake, but that failed even before I got in, all because of someone I not even spoken in several years

Horikita Suzune, I had heard about her, always isolated and with a bad attitude, but everyone still approached her, how much she irritated me, she could like her despite her attitude, while I suffer from stress on a daily basis

I thought I could approach her and find out how much she knew about me, or maybe learn more about her and be able to use it, but it was worse in person than they said.

The only person he spoke to was his neighbor, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, always with that poker face, he didn't want to show up the first day, and I almost always saw him alone, at least at first, little by little I noticed him near Sakura- san, Miyake-kun and Hasebe-san

I thought I could use it to get closer to Horikita, she agreed to help me on more than one occasion, but she always kept her distance from me and her, I was glad that bitch stayed alone, but I still needed to be sure

Later, May 1st arrived, I heard that girl complained that she had been put in the wrong class, rather she didn't even deserve to enter, but when I heard the teacher's explanation I was also surprised

Maybe they put me here because of my past, if so, it also meant that they accepted me even knowing it, it was fine as long as I could have my school life, even if it's not like class A, so now my only goal was to get rid of that bitch

Apparently she tried to approach Ayanokouji-kun again, but he evaded her with hers "friends of hers" hers seemed like a group of pure loners, but as long as it didn't help Horikita, I didn't care, besides, that turned out in my favor

I offered my help to Horikita with her study group, at least she realized that she couldn't, and without her neighbor no one else would.

The group ended as expected, a total failure, also for me, since I didn't learn more than I already knew, that girl was just bragging about how smart she was, it really irritated me

The results of the exams arrived, although on the outside I acted sad, on the inside, I was jumping for joy

The 6 guys who got kicked out were the worst, they were always looking at me, those disgusting lustful looks, their irritating comments, having to put up with all of that on a daily basis, almost all my stress was because of them

The only one who improved was Sakura Airi, it seems nobody noticed, until Sensei mentioned it indirectly, but apparently nobody knew or that it existed, when I looked at her, I noticed Ayanokouji made a sign to keep quiet, I thought I could make him owe me a favor so I played along

The only bad thing was that we were again with 0 points, I didn't spend all of them unlike many idiots, but they asked me to borrow, and I could hardly refuse

I've had to get used to preparing my lunch with free ingredients...

This is not how I expected my school life, but at least I was calmer with those perverts outside

Hirata has been depressed since then, it seems to affect him a lot, I don't know why, I never saw them talking, in fact, they insulted him and envied him for being one of the few decent ones in the class

That Karuizawa girl is his girlfriend but she couldn't do anything to comfort him, which lowered his status, I don't like the way he is, she also used up all her points from the first month and she was the one who borrowed the most

I have nothing against Hirata, but this situation favored me, the class began to trust me more and with that, their secrets, except for a few like Koenji-kun, Horikita and the "Ayanokouji Group"

There was only one last thorn in my side, to get rid of Horikita, I heard from some seniors about something called special exams, where in some cases the punishment for losing was expulsion, it could damage her little by little and make her resign or get expelled, her way of being would help since no one would be on his side, I was going to make sure of that

One day she asked me for help again, this time on her own, apparently she wanted Ayanokouji's number, I don't know why she is so interested in him, but it worked in my favor as long as I didn't want to help her, if it had been like that, I could make it work spy or sink it with her

But things went better than expected, the next day, during class Ayanokouji reported Horikita for bullying, talked about her threats and showed injuries she did to her with a compas, Horikita denied it, but when Ayankouji pointed at the camera his face paled

I will never forget that beautiful scene to...

They both went out with that too friendly teacher, at the end of class, only Ayanokouji came back, the whole classroom, I guess they were anxious about what would happen, for my part, I prayed inside that it was the end

Just as Ayanokouji was going to say the results, that bitch walked in, and as if planned, he continued, he said those beautiful words...

"Horikita Suzune has been expelled"

I felt like my problems were over with that simple phrase

That bitch was out, she started whining and swearing, I'd make sure she sank even deeper, I had to push my acting even harder to keep from laughing

Even Hirata was against her, everyone looked at her with contempt, her look of despair is something I will always remember...

That day, I was finally free, I will be able to enjoy my school life without any worries.

All thanks to that boy, no, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, it seems more than it seems, but as long as it doesn't damage my school life, I don't care about exams or Class A, now, I'll just enjoy these 3 years...

I thought I should thank him, without knowing it he had returned the favor, although I couldn't tell him why, at least, after all, it may not be so bad

What price? A summary from his point of view, I remember in the canon he did not have a good image of Kiyotaka either, but he never hated him or saw him as an enemy, by not approaching Horikita, Kiyotaka never found out about her secret, so they did not make enemies, Also, with Horikita gone, Kushida has no reason to betray the class, which will make things easier for Kiyotaka.

I will do one more SS, then I will continue with arc 3, they may be shorter, now that the main culprits of damaging Vida Pacifica - chan are out, but I assure you I will finish the story 😉 I want to do a fic of reactions later before entering With "Meritocracy" I even asked for permission from @ Debankle to use his Kiyotaka, one of the best Fics I've read, what do you think, reacting to a Kiyotaka who enjoyed his peaceful life and another who sows chaos?

Thank you very much for your comments and votes, greetings 😊

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