Chapter 1 :9

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I was walking through the streets of jump city. It was night and there was a nice breeze out. I had my hoodie on and my hood up. So it was covering my head and my ears (yes I said ears). You see I'm not your average teenage girl.

I have a tail as well but I can choose to have it out or in. But for some reason it's harder to keep my ears in then it is to keep my tail in. Well any ways I'm not as average as most of my friends think. My dad is actually part wolf demon. But I really don't know what my mom was, or what she was like.

Because she died when I was young it in a terrible accident. Which my father believes that it was no accident. Ever since that day I have vowed to protect everyone close to me and put others before my self. Which is the main reason I am out now walking the streets of boom city.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard this ear piercing scream from only a few blocks away. I ran as fast as I could to where the cry for help came from. When I got their there was a group of people trying to harm this teen. About what I don't know but the looked really different then normal thugs.

One had pink hair and a purple outfit, then their was one who looked like a big guy with a black outfit and shoulder length hair, then their was a little kid wearing a green outfit with a jet pack or some thing on his back he also had no hair, the next one had a red outfit and glasses he also had a sign on his chest.

My hood fell of when I was running so my ears were showing. I changed to more of my wolf side so now my tell was showing and my claws were out.

"Hey why don't you pick on some one who can actually deafened themselves", i said with my arms crossed. "Why don't you run along little doggy",the red guy said.

Did he really just say that to me is my though. I was brought out of my thoughts when the pink haired girl tried to send some kind of wave at me. But I jumped out of the way and stared to fight.

But with all of them attacking me. I was getting tired and fast. Because of this my moves were getting sloppy. I was thrown against a wall. Which made my vision a little blurry. "Aw is the little dog getting tired already", the little kid said. The others were laughing. At lest the human got away I thought to myself.

When suddenly five mysterious people showed up. I couldn't really see them because of my vision. But I could hear them. "Let her go", one of them said. "Why don't you come and save her then", the kid said in a snarky voice.

Then all of a sudden I her fighting. Metal clashing, laser sounds, and other fighting things you only hear on TV. A few minutes into their fight my vision is back to normal.

I try to stand on my feet but end up falling back to my knees. The pain is unbelievable. The next thing I know every thing is black.

When I open my eyes I'm in a room that looks strange but I can tell it's like the infirmary room. Their were also things with cords all over me. I feel a sudden fear engulf me as I hear foot steps and voices out side the door.

"Do you think she is ok", I hear someone say it sounded like a guy. "She's pretty banged up, but her vitals are good so she should be", another person says. That is when someone starts to turn the door nob. I close my eyes quickly and pretend to still be asleep. My heart was beating really fast though and I thought for shore that they would know I was awake. Which only made it worse.

Well that is it for the first part. I will be making the next part tomorrow or Friday k well hope u like it till next time.

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