Chapter 9

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((Y/n) pov)

After the party I couldn't stop think about Slade. What does he want from me. Is my mom really alive and held captured by Slade. I soon fell asleep cuz I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dream _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"You will never have her Slade. I will fight with ever bone in my body. to keep her from you", I heard my mom say. "Oh but I will (y/m/n) I will", I heard someone say I then realized this was when it was little it was a memory. "sweet heart what's wrong", I could hear my dad say.

"Nothing honey don't worry", mom said. I tryed to get out of the room but I was to small to reach the door nob. I was locked in my room and couldn't get out.

You'll see (y/m/n) I'll have her and their is nothing you can do to stop me he said as he laughed evilly. Then every thing went black and I couldn't see or hear anything. I then saw my mom in a cage with bruise and cuts all over her. then I heard that laughing again. then Slade appeared in front of. "You really think that I won't get you my dear (y/n)", he said he then put his hand under my chin to make me look at him.

"I'll get you even if I have to take everything you love away from you", he said. "!", I yelled.

Dream ended..........

"No!", I yelled sitting up in bed drenched in sweat. Then next thing I know my friends burst in through the door. They all have worried faces well except for raven but I could smell she was to even know she didn't show it on her face. "Are you okay dude", beast boy said. "Yes are you the okay friend", star fire said. I was silent for a few seconds then gave them a fake small smile. "Yeah... I'm fine it was just a nightmare", I said knowing other wise.

"Okay if you say so", robin said still looking worried. Then they all left. After that I tried to go back to sleep but I just couldn't so I waited till I thought everyone was asleep and got dressed to go for a walk to clear my head. I wore a (f/c) hoodie and some blue jeans with holes in the knees and some running shoes.

I sunk out of my room and into the hall. I then proceeded to make my way to the elevator. When I got out side I just sat on the rocks looking out at the sea. "This is all just to much I don't want anyone to get hurt over me and I just can't just sit around and let my mom be held captive by Slade", I said breaking down and crying on my knees.

I have to leave before some one els get hurt that's close to me. But before I leave I should leave a note for them to tell them I'm sorry and that I'm great full for everything they have done for me.I snuck back up to my room and started writing. After I was done I placed it on the night stand next to my bed. I felt like some one was watching me but before I could even look around some one put something over my mouth and nose and everything went black.

Small time skip ......

(Beast boys pov)

I decide to go check on (y/n) to see if she was doing all right. When I got their she wasn't in their I was about to go look for her some more when I saw I note on her night stand. I walled over to it a little worried and opened it up.


Dear friends

I can't stay here knowing that you all could be harmed because of me. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye in person but I wouldn't be able to handle it. I care for you guys so much thank you guys so much for being my friends no for being like family to me I'm sorry it ended like this but it's better this way so goodbye

Forever (y/n)

This can't be true she can't be gone not some one els I care about. I have to find her I ran done the hall to tell the others and show them the note.

I'm gonna end this chapter here I hope you guys liked also I was thinking about making a transformers or TMNT story but I want you guys to tell me which one I should do first the one with the most votes I'll make first okay :) well thank you and in till next time friends :) lol

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