Chapter 7 :,)

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The pic just goes with the story and I'm will be super happy if u guys know who she is :)

((Y/n) pov)

While i was running to the tower I had no clue they were also looking for me. I was in my wolf form running as fast as I could when suddenly I miss my footing an slip I closed my eyes waiting for impact but in never came.

Instead I felt to arms wrap around me and pull me close to their chest. I slowly open my eyes to see a teary eyed beast boy. (Y/n) he said trying to hold back tears then I noticed cyborg was their to. my face turned a bright red. I tried to pull out of beast boys grip but he only made it tighter. Wow I didn't know he could be this strong I thought to my self.

"Why did you run off at the park (y/n) we have been looking all over for you", cyborg said looking at me worriedly. they care I thought as tears threaded to fall now. "You guys were worried about me", I asked them.

" Yeah your our friend and we care about you dude", beast boy said loosening his grip so he could face me eye to eye with him. I couldn't help it any more I hugged beast boy while burying my face in his chest and letting all my tears out.

"Guys we found her", I heard cyborg say. "Great meet you guys back at the tower", robin said

Time skip back at the tower
((Y/n) pov still)

Right when we stepped of the elevator I was instantly engulfed into a bone crushing hug. "Oh I'm so glad your okay friend", star said tightening her grip. I try to tell her but I couldn't really breath but she let me go right before I thought my face would turn purple.

"I'm so glad your okay (y/n)", robin said giving me a sweet smile. "Me too", beast boy said. Is their something going with them why are they acting so wired maybe it's nothing they are probably just happy that I'm okay I thought to my self.

"So (y/n) why did you run off at the park raven", asked me. "Yeah you never told us why", cyborg said. "Because I-- I I thought I saw my mom", I said as tears started falling from my face. "What's wrong friend", star asked.

"It's just when I was really little my mom passed away and that's what me and my dad thought but when I saw her at the park and then she just vanished I looked all over for her but couldn't find her", I stopped cuz I could say any more I was to upset.

"I'm sorry I didn't know (y/n)", robin said looking heart broken. it's okay no one but me and my dad did I said looking down. "If it help we can try to help you find her", cyborg said I gave him a half smile and said thank.

"Well everyone should get some rest cuz it's getting late", robin said and everyone agreed.

Sorry I haven't updated I had some internet problems and thx so much I can't believe how many people like my story so far and I will try to update tomorrow k :) hope u guys liked it and sorry if it's short.

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