Chapter 3 :]

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I was kind of shy as we ordered our pizza. I don't know why I just was. I always get like this around new people not knowing if I should fully trust them. Because I have had people say that their my friends and then the next thing I know they stab me in the back. Breaking my heart and I can't take it.

I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts by cyborg. "Hey (y/n) you alright",he ask looking worried. "Yeah I'm fine",I said giving him a small smile. We both walked over to the others at the table with our pizza.

I sat next to star and beast boy and stared eating my (f/p) (favorite pizza). "If you don't mind me asking why were you being attacked by the hive five group", robin asked as they all looked at me. "Well I heard some one screaming cuz of my hearing and rush over their and saw the beating on this person so I tried to help like I do all the time but it didn't go as planed", I said.

"If you do it all the time how come we never knew about you", he asked. "Cuz after I help the person I run off before anyone can get a good look at me", I said.

We all started talking star fire asking all these questions like what's your favorite color, how long have you been in jump city, do you have anywhere to live and ect...... Surprisingly I answered all of her question.

They were surprised when I said I didn't have any were to live. Because they thought I would live with my dad. But he was busy helping out with something with the Justice League (yep I said it the justice league).

"I will not allow it my new friend to sleep out in the cold",star fire said crossing her arms. "It's fine really I don't want to bother you guys and I'm part wolf I'll be fine", I said giving them a smile. "We do have lots rooms it wouldn't be a problem", cyborg said.

"Plz star fire asked me with puppy dog eyes I looked away but when I turn the other way beast boy was in the form of a puppy and giving me actual puppy dog eyes. My heart melted at the sight of it I let out a sigh in defeat. "Are you shore it's ok", I asked looking at robin.

"Yeah it wouldn't be any trouble at all", he said. "ok I guess I'll take you up on your offer guys", I said and star fire hugged me squeezing the life out of me.

I was actually starting to feel like I had a real family now. But all that was interrupt when we got back to the tower. A red flashing light went of along with this loud beeping noise.

Apparently a guy killer moth was attacking the city. Ever one started to head out to go stop him but I just stood their not knowing if they would even want my help. "(y/n) aren't you coming", cyborg asked me. I was so happy that they actually wanted me to come with them but on the out side I stayed serious "yeah", I said walking after them.

Time skip to where the fight is

"What are these things", I asked cyborg seeing as he was closer to me. "Their killer moths out creations or experiments", he said. We were all hitting them left and right but to me they never ended.

I was getting seriously worn out I was still not full recovered from the fight with the H.I.V.E. I was almost knocked down from behind but star fire stopped that from happening. "Thanks star",I said and she just gave me a smile and continued to fight them off.

That when I saw it the device that robin and the others had been trying to get. I rushed over to it . When my hand was over it someone stepped on my hand I then did a leg sweep knocking them onto the ground.

"Robin what do I do with this", I asked "smash it dude", beast boy said to me. I was about to when someone hit me from behind and everything went black the last thing I heard was "(y/n)!"

And Cliffhanger :)

Thank u guys for reading my story and I'm sorry for not updating sooner I have been busy with school tests and a little readers block

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