Chapter 4 0u0

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(Robin's pov)

I screamed out (y/n)'s name as I saw her body hit the side of a building. She then hit the floor not moving and she still had the device in her hand. "Did you really think you could stop me human", killer moth saids kicking her in the side.

At this point I had had enough I was about to do something when more of killer moths experiments attacked me. Killer moth was about to hit (y/n) again and I couldn't get over their to stop him. "You will leave my friend alone", I hear star fire yell and start blasting killer moth.

While star fire distract killer moth beast boy goes over to (y/n) and picks her up bridal stile and smashes the device she was holding on the ground.

(Time skip after police have taken killer moth to jail and were back at the tower)

(Still robin's pov)

"Is she going to be okay", beast boy asked cyborg. "Yeah I'm sure of it she just needs some rest", he says patting his back. "Oh I do hope so", star fire said with a sad look on her face. "Yeah", raven says not looking up from her book.

((Y/n) pov)

I moan slowly opening my eyes. Why does it feel like I was hit by a truck I thought to my self. I still up and look around I then noticed I was back in the infirmary in the tower. I tried to get up put I instantly recreated it.

As if right on cue star fire came in through the door. When she saw me she instantly flew over to me and laid me back down. "You shouldn't be moving (y/n) you could injure your self more", she said to me.

"What happened and how long was I out", I asked her. "You got hit against the wall pretty hard and were knocked out when killer moth hit you. you have been out for about a day", cyborg said as he walked in the room. it good to see your awake to (y/n)", he said to me. "And I am so glad you are", star fire said hugging me.

I was so happy I didn't even notice the tears falling down my face. are you okay friend way are you crying star asked me. I then wiped the tears from my eye. "Oh sorry guy it's just that you guys feel like a second family to me and that makes me happy that you care about me", I said smiling.

"No need to apologize (y/n) and we are glad you care about us to cyborg said smiling at me. Then all of a sudden beast boy jumps on my stomach and he is in the form of a puppy. "Yeah", he said smiling at me. I just started to laugh because of how funny I thought he was. which only made him smile bigger.

Then robin enters the room with a smile on his face. "Glad to see your up (y/n)", he says. So when can I start walking around I asked him. Cyborg looked at my chart and usual doctor things. "You could now if you want but just don't try to do to much at once", he said.

"Yeah now you can play games with me now dude beast boy said. I just laughed and careful got out of the bed. We then played for hours and I beat cyborg and beast boy a couple of times which the were shocked about.

I even beat robin when he played with us. After we were done playing games everyone decide to watch a movie. It was an action packed one. Raven was even watching it with us. While we were all watching it I feel asleep on robin's shoulder. Which soon became me sleeping on his lap.

(Ravens pov)

After the movie was over I notice (y/n) had fallen asleep on robin and because we hadn't gotten a room ready for her I went and got her a blanket and pillow. I held them while robin lifted her head up and I gave him the pillow to put under her head. I then laid the blanket on top of her. After a while everyone had gone to bed and so had I.

Sorry I'm gonna leave it their and also sorry that I have not updated in a while I had readers block and I got sick and am still feeling bad but I hope u guys liked it :)

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