Chapter 13

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(Y/n) pov

I woke up to find I was all alone. That's when the smell of (f/b) hit my nose. I got up out of the bed actually feeling a lot better. I followed the smell to the kitchen/living room. Where I found everyone in there just doing their own thing. cyborg was cooking and beast boy was making tofu. Raven was reading a book and star was talking to Robin " Is it okay if I join you guys", I asked looking at them that's when they all stopped and looked at me.

Star was the first one To reach me. "Oh I am so glad to see that you are all right my friend", she said giving me a bone crushing hug. "It's good to see you to star", I breathed out. She put me down when she saw my face to start to turn red. "Sorry", she said "it's fine", I said smiling at her. "Yeah it's good that you're okay", Raven said rubbing the back of her neck. "Dude do you want some tofu", beast boy asked holding a plate of tofu up.

"No way she want some some real food", cyborg said while he was cooking. "Hey (y/n) if you feel up to it do you want to spar later", Robin asked. " Yeah sure I think that would be good", I said getting a plate of food from both cyborg and beast boy. So they wouldn't fight.

Time skip......

Me and Robin were practicing with each other I was about to dodge . When suddenly I got a vision of my mom and a bad feeling about it. I froze and Robin knocked me on the ground "are you okay", he asked helping me up. "I don't know", I said a little worried about what I saw.

OK well sorry I haven't updated it in like forever I have been super busy and haven't had time but I will update as soon as I can hope you guys like it thank you :-)

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