Chapter One

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Dear Miss Anderson
Mr. Ellis has changed his schedule around a bit. We've rescheduled your campus visit from January 3, 2015 to February 7, 2015. If you have any trouble with the new assigned dates please call (617) 495 - 1552.
* If you receive an email from Mr. Ellis, do not attend the date given here. He will assign you a personalized date. Please give at least three days after you received this message to get an email from him.*
Alexandra Tramposch
Admissions Advisor
Harvard Office Of Admissions
(617) 887-4875

"Did you get accepted?" Kathryn gives off one of her small unsettling smiles. "I'm supposed to go up there for a campus tour. We haven't even taken the admissions exam yet. Where's Izzy?" She shrugs.

"She said something about John's place and Andrew. She probably found another man whore." I sigh. The last boy she brought to the dorm was a complete prick. Disgusting unappreciative jack ass that can't hold a job. So since Kathryn and I are paying for the dorm, we kicked him out. She may seem like a jocks whore, but she has her limits.

"Ladies I have big news!" The bubbly, red haired girl waltzes in. "He's the one! Oh, he's like a prince!" Kathryn snickers and gets whacked with a book. "Ugh... I'm not running a daycare! Whatcha got for us Izzy?" I do an awful impersonation of Bugs Bunny and they roll their eyes.

"Well Bugs," Izzy starts as Kathryn giggles. "I just got off the phone with John Ellis! I asked him about the campus visits. I used your name. He said he'd give you a personal tour just you and him tomorrow!"

John Ellis. Multi-millionaire John Ellis giving me, Evelyn Anderson, a personal campus tour of Harvard. "Evie? Are you feeling alright?" I didn't even realized I wasn't breathing. "Yeah, I just got a little too excited. Now what's the catch?" Izzy gets one of those you're-in-for-it grins.

"Well, since you'd rather spend your time hiding that pretty little face in a huge stack of books than go out and hang with us,-" Kathryn groans. "Get to the point Iz!" Izzy gives a sharp stinging glare. "Mr. Ellis is having his son give you the tour instead."

"Son? I never knew John Ellis had a son. Is he hot?" I haven't seen Kathryn this excited since the Taylor Swift concert up in seattle. "Why his son?" Izzy sits. "Well, his son isnt exactly... Well, think of a preachers daughter." I scowl. "That doesn't answer my question." she giggles. "I suggested it. I told him maybe your fancy college girl stuff will rub off on him."

"What exactly about my 'fancy college girl stuff' will rub off on him, Isabelle? I can't spend an entire day walking around campus with him!" I gasp, realizing how horrible this entire thing will be. Putting my face in my hands, I try to calm my breathing before anything drastic happens.

Slowly, my breathing returns to normal and I look up at Izzy and Kathryn. "Evie, are you alright?" "Yeah, you look like you've just ran a mile after seeing a ghost." "Izzy, I don't think she can hear us," Kathryn waves her hand in front of my face.

"I can see and hear you both perfectly fine. Right now I would just really like time to myself to think this through. I mean, really. Please?" I fumble for the right words as to not offend either girl. They nod and, after giving me quick hugs, leave the room, shutting the door behind them.

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora