Chapter Eight

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The past two weeks had been hectic. Not only had James refused to let me leave the house without him, but somehow one of the girls' had agreed to let him stay in the guest room the entire time. Every morning, I woke up to Isabelle banging on my bedroom door only to walk to the kitchen and find breakfast laid out on the counters. Turns out, James woke at 5 every morning and has taken it upon himself to make breakfast for everyone. Many mornings, he made bacon, eggs, biscuits, and gravy. The other mornings, it was pancakes and sausage or cereal or even oatmeal with yogurt and fruits. Don't get me wrong, I love not having to make breakfast, but doesn't this guy have a life outside of being around me?

Lately, it seems like the cancer is getting worse. I wake up most mornings gasping for air. I just wish that this would all be over. I know that there are ways to stop the suffering such as doctor assisted suicide, but the idea of ending my life just to not suffer doesn't sit well with me.

I sighed and set down my phone before turning on the radio. Fight Song by Rachel Platten played through the speakers. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. If only I had her state of mind. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.

I awoke 3 hours later as the door of my room shut. Since the lights were off, I couldn't quite make out who was standing in the doorway. "H-hello?" I whispered, silently cursing myself for sounding weak and terrified. I heard giggles, ones that were extremely familiar to me. I narrowed my eyes. "Kathryn!" I whisper-shouted through gritted teeth. I reached over and flipped on the lamp and saw Kathryn standing at the door, smiling innocently at me.

Before she could even get a word out, a pain gathered in the middle of my chest, making it impossible to breath. I clutched at my chest, tears filling my eyes as I tried to gain air into my lungs."What's wrong, Evie?" I heard Kathryn ask, worried. It sounded like her voice was 2 miles away. I squeezed my eyes shut, gripping the front of my t-shirt tighter. I groaned and fell backwards, curling into a ball and praying that this pain would fade soon.

It didn't. It was an hour later. Kathryn and Isabelle were sitting on either side of me on my bed, holding my hands. I faintly noticed that tears were streaming down their faces at an impossible rate. The door flew open, showing my very pale faced mother. "I've called 9-1-1. They're sending an ambulance. They said that if, at any point, she stops trying to get her breath to immediately start CPR." My mother whispered, watching me closely. For the first time, I was scared to let this cancer win.

About 20 minutes later, my friends and mother were pushed away as two paramedics started attaching wires to me. "Ma'am, I need you to hold on long enough to get to the hospital. I'm going to put this mask on you. No matter what, DO NOT remove it. Blink if you understand me." I blinked once and he slipped the oxygen mask over my mouth. I felt myself being lifted up and onto a soft surface before being wheeled out of my room. For an unknown reason, my eyes started searching for James, wanting him to be there with me. My eyes instantly connected with his. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut upon seeing the emotions in his eyes. I was lifted up into the ambulance before the lack of air got to be too much. Oh, God. Is this finally it? was my last thought before the darkness took me.

I awake to a faint screaming. I open my eyes. A crowd of doctors surround me. "Ms. Claire keep your eyes open dear. Stay with us." Tears stream down the her cheeks. She scans the room for Sebastian. A doctor rushes over with what looks like a mask with a bag on it. Her entire body trembles as the pain shoots up her spine.

"Sebastian!!" His eyes widen hearing the scream. "Let me through god damn it!" He tries pushing through the officers. "Sir we cannot let anyone in unless-" "She's my wife! That woman is my wife and you will let me through immediately!" They looked shocked and he plows through them."Claire?!" She tries screaming his name but there's nothing left. He plows through the crowd reaching her."C-Claire.... " She looks up at him and warmth spreads all over her. He bends down tears in his eyes cradling her. "Please Claire..." Her smile fades.

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now