Chapter Four

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Let's just say it was bigger than I'd imagined. Just walking up to the front door made my heart race. I went in and John Ellis was waiting. "Ms. Anderson?" I smile the best I can. "Mr. Ellis. You're going to go ahead and give the tour after all then?" He grabs his coat. "Actually, I have to meet someone in a few minutes. My son should be here soon. Have a seat in my office. Oh and Ms. Anderson, look after him, will you?" His gaze was serious but his smirk was filled with humor.

The secretary brought me into the room; she was old and crabby. She mumbled negative things about a few people from time to time. I sat down and waited for his son. Just a few moments later, I hear bickering. Seconds after that, the door opens but I keep my eyes down. "You're crazy!" I look up as a white pencil box almost catches his cheek, then his eyes lock on mine. He gets whacked in the face with another pencil box. "Woman!" He slams the door.

"Mr. Ellis...?" He chuckles. "Call me Jem. You're Evelyn Anderson?" I looked him over. Don't get me wrong, he's cute; light brown hair, blue eyes, and the smirk of a well brought up smartass. Nothing like his father. The "I'm all that and two shits in a corn field" grin on his face.

"Yes ... So the tour?" He sighs. "Really isn't much to see.. Why don't I take you out for a bite to eat instead." I can't believe this. Hes trying to blow off my career for food. "If you don't mind. I'd like the tour first..." He looks a bit shocked. "Not the king of the sandbox anymore now, are you?" I clap my hand over my mouth. Really? Can't go a damn day without messing something up! His chuckle breaks my inner turmoil. "Feisty? King or not, I'll get that date."

"I ... the tour Mr. Ellis" He sighs. "Stop being so formal."
"Polite. I don't like the 'Mr.' that's my father, not me."
"But Mr. - "
"Jem..." It doesn't feel right coming off my tongue.

"Thank you Evelyn." he grins in a way that shows his dimples.
"You're welcome, Jem. Does that mean I can cut the formalities?" I chuckle. He's taken back. "I see..." He pauses for a bit, not taking his eyes from mine. "The tour, Jem?" "Oh! Right! I'm sorry, Evelyn. It slipped my mind." He reached behind him and pulled open the door before motioning for me to go ahead.

"After you." I smile and thank him before walking out of the office. He heads North, me trailing behind like a lost puppy.

"Being as your major is Law, I'm only going to show you the law buildings. I hope you don't mind that we'll be using my car." He points towards a dark blue, almost black, Mercedes Benz. I think my jaw hit the parking lot. "You drive THAT?!" I was astonished. Mr. 'I'm too good for any of you' drove a brand new Mercedes! "Er.. Yeah? Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes. Fancy cars are over rated. I can't believe you would use your money for something like this!" I explained.

He chuckled then opened the door for me to get in then walked around to his side, climbing in. He started the car and we were off.

To say the least, the car ride was awkward. Have you ever had to sit in a car with someone you've never met before? Didn't think so. Anyways, once we arrived at Harvard Law School, he got out then walked around to help me out. I looked around and smiled.

"Its big. I like that." I could feel him watching me but chose to ignore it. He held out his arm, "Shall we?" I ignored his arm and nodded. "Indeed we shall." He took me to literally every building in the law section before eventually making our way back to his car, then back to the administration building.

I stepped out of his car and thanked him. I slowly walked back to my car, enjoying the quietness. I put my hand on the door handle and felt a hand come to rest on my shoulder.

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant