Chapter Six

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The streets were empty. I pulled into the lot and shut off the engine. So many thoughts running through my head. How can I just leave? After that odd event I can't think straight. I didn't turn on my blinker three times and I ran a red light. I couldn't help but go back to the flashback or whatever the hell that was. Who is Ms. Avery and why does she look like me?

I shook my head before grabbing my things and heading inside. I already knew that everyone was gone being as the entire house was quiet and no lights were on. Starting towards the living room, I slowly slip out of my shoes. 'Why couldn't life for me just be simple?' I think to myself. 'If only I hadn't of been so set on going to Harvard.' I sigh and, after turning on the lamp on the table, sit on the couch, picking up a book that had been long forgotten.

I flip open the book and read the first sentence. 'No way in hell!' I exclaim to myself. I look at the cover of the book to see the title. "The Fault In Our Stars." I shake my head and sit the book back down. No way was I going to read a book about a girl with the same kind of cancer as me.

I stand up from the couch and slowly make my way to my bedroom. I open my closet and try to find something comfortable to wear. I settle on a pair of loose shorts and a baggy T-shirt before making my way to the bathroom and turning on the shower water.

Humming to myself, I strip and step under the warm stream of water, thinking through all of today's events. I shake my head, not wanting to ruin the rest of my night. I turn off the water and reach for the towel, wrapping it around my body and stepped out of the shower.

I wipe off the steam on the mirror and stare at myself. I smile and continue to dry myself off before slipping on my clothes and walking out of the bathroom. "Evie!" I turn to see Izzy standing next to a very handsome man. "Evie, this is Jason, my boyfriend. Jason, this is my best friend, Evelyn. Everyone calls her Evie though." I could somehow feel that this boyfriend was different for her. It felt like, for once, she was completely smitten, or in love, with this guy.

I smile wide, finally realizing that, maybe, my friends would be fine if I didn't make it through this battle. "It's wonderful to meet you, Jason. I hope you don't mind, but I'm super tired, so I'm going to hit the sack. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Izzy?" She nods before pulling Jason towards her room. I giggle and gently close the door to my room and lay on my bed. I sigh one last time before turning out the lights and instantly falling asleep.

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now