Chapter Eleven

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I woke up gasping for air once again. James had me in his arms in a second. "Shhh... Its alright.." I clenched his back, holding him close to me. He winced. I took slow deep breaths while he rocked me. The nurses didn't bother coming in this time. This happened a few times during the night and James was always by my side.

I felt terrible. He hadn't had much sleep and when he did get some I'd wake him 10 minutes in.
He was about to get up but I stopped him. "Please.... Just stay here..." He looked stunned, but he obliged and held me while I slept.

A nurse came in and woke us up around noon. "5 hours of sleep. New record!" He chuckled and squeezed me lightly. I laid my head back on him as the nurse explained everything. "Watched daily. Shower can't be hot. Need an air purifier. No sex. Not sure if she can handle that one." My face lit up like a firework. I elbowed him in the gut.

"I think Izzy could handle that. I can call work and tell them what's going on." James looks a bit distraught. I glance at him. "What about me?..." He asks. I looked at him confused for a moment until I realized that he wanted to be able to do something. I opened my mouth then closed it multiple times before huffing and shrugging my shoulders.

He got a shit eating grin on his face and said, "I could do what you said Izzy can. I mean, you could stay with me or I could stay with you. Either way works and I won't be left out." I tapped a finger on my chin, thinking. I mean, it could work... And that would give me more time with him and Charlotte.. A smile became present on my face at the thought of more time with Charlotte and him. I found myself nodding, agreeing to what he had just said. He whooped and jumped up, doing a little happy dance. I couldn't help but giggle at his childish antics.

He slid back down into the chair and stared at me, grinning from ear to ear. I looked down at my lap and played with my fingers. "I'll agree to stay with you on one condition." I look up in time to see him frown before he asks what the condition is. "We have to get a cat or a dog. I mean, I've always wanted one and I'm sure Charlotte would love to have one..." I trail off as I see his expression. He looks angry. I look down, afraid of what he'll do. "You made me think that there was something major that I was going to have to do in order for you to stay with me?" I feel him leaning closer as I nod.

He grabs my chin and lifts my head up. "Look at me, Evelyn." He says in a soft voice. I look up at him right as he presses his lips against mine. I smile against his lips before pulling back. He brushes my hair out of my face and smiles a heart-stopping smile. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asks me and I shake my head no. I blush slightly at his words. I've never had someone call me beautiful before.

I lean forward and wrap my arms around him tightly. I always feel so safe when I'm around him. It makes me never want to leave his embrace. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. I look up at him, watching his face as he smiles down at me. "You make me feel safe.." I whisper for no reason.

That sentence alone makes the smile on his face grow bigger as he squeezes me tighter. "I'll always protect you, sweetheart. You mean so much to me already. I know that's such an odd thing to say since its only been two weeks since we met, but I didn't even feel like this with Taylor and that amazes me." I'm left speechless by his words, so instead of replying a lay my head against his chest again and close my eyes, enjoying the comforting feeling he gives me.

"Ya know, its not nice to ignore the other people in the room." An all too familiar voice says. I open my eyes, smiling wide. "Daddy!"

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now