Chapter Three

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I thought my morning was going to be awful. I didn't sleep but thirty minutes before Izzy came in. She was wearing a strapless candyyy dress. You'd think she'd be mistaken for a child despite the fact she's 5'7" without the hot pink heels she was wearing with the dress. Even her hair was done up in a messy side ponytail like a child's would be. "Come on! Up! Up! Up!"

I groan. Why so early? "Wake up!!" I groan and swing my legs off the bed. "Aright .. Alright I'm up."

I get up and get dressed. "Is that bacon I smell?" Kathryn giggles. "Our guest wanted bacon for breakfast. Is that a problem?" Isabelle asked, giving me a look that dared me to say no. I shook my head and walked over to sit next to Kathryn. She smiled at me. I smiled back and breathed in the smell of bacon.

A thought popped in my head. "Wait. Guest?" They giggle. "Evelyn." I turn around and expecting one of Izzy's ex-boy toys to be there. "M-Mom?" She wraps me in a hug. "When did you get here?"

"Isabelle told me you've been stressing lately. I decided to drop by." She let's me go and sits down. "And dad..?" She gives me a sorrow filled look. "It's alright. I know." We all sit down to breakfast.

"I love you both. No matter how many times you two make me mad, I'll always have both of you and that makes me so happy." I spoke softly, knowing that both of them needed to know that I loved them with all my heart, in case anything happened to me. Isabelle smiled her 1000 watt smile and dropped the spatula, rushing around the island in the middle of our kitchen to hug me as if her life depended on it.

"I love you, too, Evie." She whispered in my ear before pulling back so Kathryn could hug me. Kathryn smiled and hugged me gently. Would telling them really be that bad? I mentally shook my head. There's no way they should know. It would break them both. I let out a deep breath and wiped my eyes.

"Well, guys. Looks like I need to get ready for the tour" I said, suddenly feeling excited and nervous at the same time. I slip on my boots and start to head out the door. "What are you wearing?" I look up at Izzy. Oh god not again. "I'm going to Harvard to get a campus tour. What are you doing?" She sneers. "You're not going dressed like that. Come with me!"

Before I could respond, she had me in her grasp dragging me into her room. "Let's see here..." She rummages through her closet. I sigh and sit on her bed. "Oh! What about this?" She holds up a green baby vomit dress. "I'll be mistaken for the grinch!" She recoils at that thought. "Yeah, too vomity." She rummages again. I look over at her dresser.

"What about that?" I go over and pick up the scoop collar, sleeveless romper. "That old thing?" The romper was peachy in color. The back was completely made of lace. I reach for my favorite sandles and look at Izzy for approval. She nods and smiles. "That would look perfect on you. Especially if you curl your hair and match your jewelry and makeup to it!"

Mother comes in with a smile wider than the gap between the fridge and the stove. We really need to fix that. "You look gorgeous!" I pull a piece of my curled hair from my mouth. "My neck is stiff from the hair spray." "Oh shush! You'll be fine."

Izzy spins me around to face the mirror and I have a hard time figuring out who the girl in the mirror is. "That's me?" Imagine a princess with freckles.

"Not a lot, but not too little. What do you think?" She grins. "I ... well it's ... pretty." Kathryn walks in and drops her plate and her jaw. "Now we just need a carriage!"

I look up at the clock. "Shoot! I have to go! I'm gonna be late!" with that I'm out the door.

Defying All Odds #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now