Chapter Ten

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Instead of leaving, James leaned over and grabbed my face before pressing his lips to mine. Oh, God. He's kissing me. is all that was running through my head. I heard more than felt my heartbeat pick up. He pulled away slowly but I kept my eyes shut. I felt a light fluttering against my cheek. "Evelyn. I won't leave you. And I don't hate you. God, at least you're telling me. At least this time I can be prepared for the worst. This time I can make your life as amazing as I can. Even if it is for a few short days, weeks, or even months. Ya hear me?"
I smiled and nodded my head, slowly opening my eyes. "I'm scared." I whispered, reaching for his hand.

He grabbed mine and laced our fingers together before bringing our hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of mine. "I'll be here with you every step if the way. So will Charlotte. I think its time my mother stops babysitting her so much." He chuckles and stands up. "I'm going to go tell your mom that you're awake, alright?" I nodded and he leaned down, pressing a kiss to my forehead, before leaving, closing the door quietly behind him.

I smiled and leaned back on the bed, pressing my fingers to my lips. Oh, God. He's so perfect. And little Charlotte. I sighed softly and closed my eyes, imagining all the things I could do with Charlotte. I've decided to treat her as if she were my own child. Lord knows, she's probably the closest I'll ever come to having one. I opened my eyes and wiped at the traitorous tears that had escaped before taking in a shaky breath.

"Get it together, Evelyn. You're going to fight this. You're not going to die. You can't leave James and Charlotte like Taylor left them." I looked down and closed my eyes. "Lord, I know I may not be a very religious person, but please, please, please, don't take me away from them. Let me have a chance to feel what its like to have a family. I know I don't ask for much and this is something I really want. I promise, I believe in you, I really do. I just...I never have time to go to church. I know that that's not a very good excuse but I love my life right now. I'm not ready to give it up. Please don't take me yet. In God's name I pray, Amen."

I lift my head up and see my mother standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. I instantly knew that James had told her. I opened my arms and she came running into them. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry. I should have known. Hell, your father and I could have done something so you wouldn't go through this. Baby, I'm going yo do everything I can to make sure you live through this. I pro-"

I raise my hand to cut her off and shake my head. "There's nothing you can do, mama. I'm at stage three. Eventually, my lungs just won't work anymore. Its the circle of life. Everyone dies at one point. What would it hurt if one died a little earlier than the rest?" She nods and hugs me tighter, whispering about how much she loves me and explains that my father should be her in the next three hours. I feel my eyes start to get droopy and I yawn.

My mother takes that as her cue to leave. She leans down, kisses my forehead and walks out of the door. I close my eyes and lay back. As I'm about to welcome the darkness, I hear the door open and feet walking across the floor towards me. Whoever it is leans down and kisses my forehead before taking the seat by my bed. That's the last thing I comprehend before I welcome the darkness of sleep.

He reaches her just as the life leaves her eyes. "Clarice!? Clarice, you can't leave me yet. Oh, baby, don't go." He holds her hand against his cheek, willing her to stay. Praying that she wouldn't be gone so soon. Even with the heart monitor flat lining, he still wouldn't believe that his beautiful Clarice was gone.

He was eventually pushed away from her and into the waiting area where his granddaughter sat. She jumped up and ran over as soon as she saw him. "Grandad.. Is she okay?" She whispered, fearful of the answer she would receive. He slowly shook his head no and buried his head in his hands, finally letting the tears out.

"Avery?" A voice sounded from behind them. Avery and Sebastian turned to see Alexander standing in the doorway of the waiting room. Avery ran up to him and started sobbing. "She's gone, Alex. She didn't make it." For the rest of that evening, the three sat in the waiting room, bearing pain unimaginable to anyone else.

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