Chapter 11 [Inspection]

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The children continued running around for the rest of the day rescuing princesses and making paper craft roses. As the day ended and the children left. I packed my bags and Prepared for both the inspection, and Starting college. Its a bit nerve wrecking. As I walk down the street I flip through my small notebook of things to do, Clean, Groceries, Shower, Pack for the shifts. At this point I might as well move into the pizza plex with how much I stay there. I haven't even been at my own apartment that much, though its worth it with the pay, in about a couple more months I can afford a better apartment. I arrive home and prepare to dust and clean. It feels like this place hadn't been touched in a Millenia. Once that was done I prepared for the inspection. I take my old sun and moon dolls and place them on the bed. Then wait, They said it would be early in the noon... But its about 6pm. I hope they don't get here when its dark. I have a nightshift to do... I grab some outfits and my wallet and put them in my backpack. I grab the laptop charger, the laptop and a notebook. Knock knock, I hear and open the door. "Welcome!" I look and see its Vanessa. "Hey, They sent me to do the inspections, Mind if i come in?" I let her in to this barren one room apartment. "Those plushies. Did you buy them?" I nod, "My mom bought them for me when I was young. I used to go to the plex before it got huge." She nodded and looked in the closet and bathroom. "Nothing here, Jeez ya need to get some furniture." I laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I know." She showed me the board and left. "None of the employees have stolen. So finding these missing things have been hard to find. Have you seen any kids in the daycare?" I shake my head. "Nope, Just me and Sundrop." She nods and looks at me with a strange look. "You and the Animatronic seem close." She makes her way to the door. "Its weird." She left. Damn, rude much? I change into my nightshift outfit and grab my keys. Time for some groceries.

[Sundrop's P.O.V]

I pace around the daycare and wait for Y/N to get back. I wonder where they went last night, they all the sudden disappeared. The maintenance people are getting annoyed at the glitter glue i get in my systems but I cant help that the sparkly stuff looks so delicious. I hope Y/N comes back soon. I hope that they didn't get stolen away.

[Gregory P.O.V]

I look through the vent and see the sun guy pacing. I hope that nice guard doesn't rat me out. Maybe bring some food too... it was good last time when they cooked it. I should get ready and explore some more, I had to plan escape routes anyways. That Vanessa girl has been on the watch for me. 

[Sundrop's P.O.V] 

Where did they go... Did they leave? Wait what was that noise? The vent? It's loose... I sit by it out of view from whatever could be making noise. A little kid pops out and I grab him. He looks terrified. "D-Don't hurt me! I'll tell the nice guard you did! They will be mad!" He spat at me and Kicked around. "YOU, WHERE IS Y/N?" He starts to cry and kick harder. "I don't know they told me about bringing me food!" I tuck him under my arm and wait by the door of the daycare. "You were the reason they left! Are they coming back?!" The kid flails and whines, "I don't know! I think so!" He's starting to dry up. I look around and see a blanket. "Alright then, I'm taking you prisoner until they get back." The little kid starts kicking even more. I tie him up, and sit next to him. "Now we wait."

[Y/N's P.O.V]

I put the few groceries into my duffle bag. I hate walking at night... I always feel eyes on me. I fast walk to the pizza plex. I see Vanessa in the distance walking in with something white in her hands. I slow down a bit and wait for her to go inside. I don't like her, She's given me the creeps. I hear rummaging from the nearby ally and bolt to the door, Fuck that! I'd rather run into Vanessa then deal with whatever THAT is. As I make it inside I look around and see Vanessa entering the elevator to get to the rest of the plex. I rush to the daycare and plop down near the entrance. Why do I feel so anxious? I hear thumping and a loud scream from sun. Rushing in I see him tied up and Gregory standing over him. "G-Gregory! Why'd you tie up sun?" He looks at me and runs over. "He tied me up and was being all scary asking where you were?!" I look at sun who was excited to see me, He rose up and ripped the blanket into pieces by stretching his arms outward. "Y/N! Your back! You never said goodbye to me yesterday I was so worried." He ran over and picked me up and swung me around. "H-Hey watch it you might hit Gregory." He held me tightly against him and swung me away from Gregory. "This meanie probably made you leave!" I look at sun and back at Gregory. "You know, I had an inspection, then many other things to do." I squeak out, He was grabbing me extremely tight. "B-But I didn't even get a smooooooch...." He whined and placed me down. "I know, I'm sorry. I had to get new clothes and some food for Gregory." I pat Gregory's head, then pull out a new shirt and pair of pants for him, along with snacks like lunchables and sandwiches. "See?" He sat down and shuffled through the duffle bag, looking through my clothes among other things. "Oh your clothes are so cute!" He pulls out a pair of under garments and puts them on his spikey head. "This is a weird beanie though..." Gregory looks at sun and starts dying of laughter. "S-Sun, Take that off- That's not a hat" He run off with it and My face flushes red. "S-Sun!"

(Thanks for your continued support, Were nearing the end soon~)

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