The Beginning

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I'm jolted awake by an excruciating pain in my stomach. When I open my eyes I see my brother, Jack Jr., drawing his fist back to punch me again. I roll off the bed to avoid being hit again.

He screams,"WAKE UP YOU LITTLE BITCH WE GOT SCHOOL TODAY!" I get up and go take a shower to start my first day of school. After my shower I make my way downstairs where I am slapped for no reason by my father, Jack Sr. I simply keep quiet and continue my walk to the kitchen. As soon as I walk into the kitchen I am greeted my yet another slap from my mother ,Jennifer.

I still keep quiet and get an apple with a cup of orange juice from the fridge. I walk out and smile passing the Alpha and walk outside to see my brother and the Alphas son leaving away in my brothers car. I sigh realizing I am now forced to walk to school. But I don't get mad because I enjoy walking in nature.


I'm three and we are at a pack picnic. All the other kids are teasing me calling me fat and ugly. I run away and start crying. I somehow ended up crying inside this amazing cave. In between my cries I began to hear a cracking noise that I soon realize it's my bones breaking preparing my body for the shift. I know that I'm not old enough to shift so I wonder why this happening to me.

Then I hear this voice say, "Don't be afraid I will help you through this," it's voice getting stronger with each word. Suddenly there is an excruciating pain in spine. I soon forget about the voice, my mind being focused on the pain.

The voice said even stronger, "I'm your wolf Jade I'm going to help you through this. I promise you that as long as you trust me you are going to be ok." I immediately calm down knowing somehow that she's right. She begins chanting words that I don't understand. While she's chanting my body starts to tingle. Soon this light shines that is the same color as my eyes. The pain is gone completely a seemingly distant memory. I begin to see black spots in my vision and know that I'm going to pass out. Just before I pass out I begin to rise and I hear Jade's voice whisper, "I'm going to take care of you."

-2 days later-

I wake up in the same cave, but my body feels different. I open my eyes and know that something is wrong but somehow I'm not scared. I can hear and see for miles all of my senses are heightened by 100. I try to walk but I end up running into the cave wall.

I hear Jade say,"We are different that is why our shift happened this early. There will be hardships in the beginning but the reward in the end will be magnificent. I will guide you through there hardships. You will not like my advice but it must be followed even if I have to take control of you. Just trust that what I is for the best and that no harm will come to you as long as you have faith in me." I smile and simply reply, "I have trusted you since the beginning. You are a part of me and I know that you will go through everything that I go through."

She takes control and we go hunt. We take down a cougar with ease and ravish in our meal until our hunger is satisfied. To say that I was upset when I heard her say ,"You need to go home," was an understatement. I remember she said that I wouldn't like her advice but everything was for the best. I simple shift back and go home knowing that she was right.

-skip to pack house-

I walk in and nobody even noticed that I was gone. I'm not even shocked that they didn't realize that I was gone but it still hurt. I go to my room planning to cry myself to sleep but Jade said,"They don't have to notice because only important need to notice us and they are beneath us and aren't worth our spit let alone our tears." I go to sleep with a content smile on my face.

~Flashback Over~

I realize that I zoned out and that I'm walking up the school parking lot. I see a crowd has formed around my brother and his friends. I unfortunately have to get my backpack out of the backseat. I walk towards the crowd and I feel Jade getting excited for some reason but I just ignore it and push my way through the crowd. As I'm walking through the crowd I come across a scent that smells like fresh cut grass after the rain. Something told me to follow it so I did. I bump into someone and I feel tingles spread through my body.

"Mate," a word that held such high hopes for me. I look up and see none other than the soon to be Alpha, James, looking at me with disgust before slapping me. I already know what this means and just prepare for the impending rejection. He growls at me and says,"go to the woods now!" I can hear Jade whimper inside me knowing what's going to happen. Once we enter the woods he hits me again and again but somehow I never feel the pain. He growls,"There is no way in hell you are my mate. My mate is supposed to be beautiful and sexy, not fat and ugly. I officially reject and banish you from the Moonshine Pack." My home and last chance of happiness is gone.

"You can't do that your father won't let you," the only words I managed to say. He smirks and simply says,"I was made Alpha today so I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with MY pack." I look back at him one last time and say,"I promise you one day you'll regret all of the terrible shit you did to me," and I do the only thing I can

I shift behind a tree and run until I'm off of his land. Once I was away from his territory I shifted human and went to find the alpha of this area. Jade speaks for the first time and says,"Who needs him? We'll be fine without him." I reply,"Why don't we care? Shouldn't we be in pain without our mate? Aren't we supposed to be grieving over losing him?"

She sighs and says,"He wasn't the one for us so why should we give him our tears?" I don't understand what she means but I rarely do. I simply ignore her comment and continue my search for the alpha. I zone out but become aware of my surroundings when I hear two wolves growl at me. I calmly say,"I mean no harm to you or your pack. I want to speak with your alpha." One of them shift back and ask,"Why are you here? Where is your pack? How old are you?" I sigh getting strangely irritated with all the questions and say,"I want your alpha not you. I will answer his questions only so stop asking them."

He growls and tells the other wolf to go get the alpha. He looks at me with this look that says he wants me naked. I say,"Why do you keep looking at me like you want to rape me?" He smirks and says,"So what if I do? I know you aren't strong enough to fight me off." He stalks towards me like an animal does to its prey. I get into a fighting stance until Jade says,"Don't fight him. Let him hurt you. Let them think you haven't shifted yet." I listen to her and decide to run away at a human rate hoping that she knows what she is talking about. I run and of course he catches me.

He throws me into a rock and I hit my head. He scratches me and begins taking off my clothes. Before he gets the chance to get any further a voice screams,"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He instantly stops and looks scared which let me know the guy screaming must be his alpha. Jade decides to make an appearance only to say one word that I thought I would never hear again today,"MATE!"

Mate? I already have a mate wtf. Is the last thought I have before darkness consumes me.


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