Meet the Gang

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Amber's favorite part of school was lunch.
Her friend group would occupy the lunch tables in the quad.

It was their spot.

She enjoyed the banter between them every day.
This was also the only time she got to see Tara throughout the day.

The dynamic of their group was very interesting.
No one seemed to have a specific role in the group.
They all flowed together naturally.

Amber was the only one who hadn't started kindergarten with the rest.
She had moved to Woodsboro when she was 12 years old. She met Tara because they lived in the same neighborhood.
Tara had introduced her to the rest of the group.

Amber liked Mindy because they had similar tastes in many things.
She also admired Mindy's confidence.
Mindy said what she thought and was fully herself at all times. However, their stubbornness caused them to butt heads often.

Chad looked like an asshole, but he was just a big goof.

Wes was the cautious one of the group.
He was a good boy through and through. The rest of the group poked fun at him above all others.

Tara was the glue of their group.
The little ray of sunshine.

Amber's happiness quickly evaporated as she walked upon the group.

Chad and Mindy were throwing grapes at each other's mouths.

Tara and Wes were sitting a little too close in Amber's opinion.

She had to quickly internalize her annoyance as she sat beside Mindy.

"What took you so long," asked Mindy.

Amber slung her backpack on the end of the table.
"Principal Barry wanted to see me," she replied nonchalantly.

Tara leaning away from Wes, "Why?"

Amber smirked, "Because I'm bad."

Mindy laughed, "Sure you are. So it's Friday? What's the plan for tonight?"

Amber rolled her eyes, "My parents are surprisingly going to be home tonight. So no party, if that's what you were implying."

Chad pouting, "Booooo! Ruined my plans then."

Amber scoffed, "So I'm in charge of your social events now?"

Chad shrugs, "No one else throws bangers like you, Freeman."

"You drink too much anyways. Is that smart during football season," Wes asked pointedly to Chad.

Chad throws a grape at him, "Partying is healthy at our age, gramps."

"We can have a movie night at our place, but we have to sneak any alcohol past mom," Mindy offered.

Chad smiled, "Shouldn't be hard. She goes to bed at like 8."

Wes sighed, "But will this be a democratic decision? Or will Mindy dictate what we watch?"

Mindy shot Wes the finger.
"I have incredible taste, thank you," she said as she puffed her chest out boastfully.

Chad raised his hand, "I have to agree with my boy here. Horror, horror, every time man."

Amber wiggles her fingers at Chad and Wes, "You two just don't want to be scared all night."

Wes was about to retort when the bell rang.
"We can work that out tonight. 7 good for everyone," Mindy asked as she stood up.

Everyone nodded as they collected their bags.
Amber began her walk to class when she heard Tara call to her.

"Will you pick me up tonight," she asked.

Amber smirked, "Thought Wes would want the honor."

Tara rolled her eyes, "You know his curfew is so early."

Tara grabbed Amber's wrist as they stood in the breezeway.

"Besides, I miss you. Haven't seen you much lately," she sincerely offered.

Any annoyance or hurt at their current situation faded away.

Amber couldn't say no to Tara. Her big brown eyes melted Amber's heart every single time.

"Of course you miss me, Carpenter," Amber smirked, "I'll pick you up at 6:30?"

Tara's face lit up, which melted Amber a little more. She squeezed Amber's wrist before letting it go.

"See you then," she called as she bounced away.

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