The Summer Before

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*****July - 8 months before events of Scream (2022)*****

The summer had been one of the best of Amber's entire life.

Her relationship with Tara had evolved into a comfortable yet exciting shape.

Amber was shocked at how easily they had slipped into a romantic relationship. It was almost like they had always been like this.

They spent the majority of their time together.
Watching movies as they usually would...but they had failed to actually watch them now.

Their sexual relationship had progressed to "second" and "third" base.

They both knew sex would be entering the equation soon.
And Amber was more than ready.

Neither of their parents paid much attention to notice the new state of their relationship, so they continued to have their sleepovers.

Which made the lack of sex even harder.

Amber wanted her so bad.

However, she would be as patient as Tara needed her to be.

Amber had consistently shown her romantic side over the summer.

She planned small dates for Tara almost every week.

The only time they weren't together was while Tara was working.

Even then, Amber would go and eat at the diner just to see her. Sometimes alone, sometimes with Mindy and/or Chad.

Chad had been coming more so after he met Liv.
The guy was not subtle with his attraction towards the pink haired girl.

As Amber had said, Liv was ditzy enough to find him charming.

Their friend group had also easily evolved to incorporate their relationship.
The only weirdness came from Wes, which was mostly subtle.

However, Amber took note every time he made a sly comment or kissed up to Tara.

She wanted rip his throat out most of the time.

One afternoon, Amber was eating at Tara's diner with Mindy and Chad.

They occupied the big booth in the back.

Chad was trying to convince Amber to have a party that night.

"Come on, Freeman. You've had like one party all summer. That's unacceptable," Chad groaned.

Amber rolled her eyes.
"I've had all of you over multiple times this summer, asshole."

Chad nodded his head towards a booth at the other end of the diner.
Liv was taking someone's order, occasionally glancing at their table.

"I want to invite Liv though," he said.

"You can't just invite her to one of our movie nights, dumbass," Amber asked.

Chad quickly shook his head, "Mindy will scare her away if it's just us."

Mindy let out a sarcastic laugh.
"I'd scare her away in any setting. I don't know what you see in her. She's so...boring," Mindy huffed.

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