Tara's Attack

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Amber: You should come over
Tara: Oh really? And do what😚
Amber: Fun...stuff😉
Tara: You know I have the house to myself. YOU should come over HERE
Amber: Convince me
Tara: Unlocked liquor cabinet. Binge options. Fun stuff will also be included🥰
Amber: SOLD!

Amber was currently hiding outside of Tara's house.
She was in the Ghostface costume.
Knife in hand.
Heart racing.

She could hear the landline ringing from her hiding place.

Tara: Fucking landline won't stop ringing

However, Tara wouldn't answer it.
She never answered the landline, which Amber had warned Richie about.
No one their age answered the fucking landline.

Amber: Is Wes bugging you?

That did the trick.

Amber peeked through the kitchen window as Tara walked into the living room.

Tara: I think this is my mom's new boyfriend
Amber: Seriously???

Amber rolled her eyes.
Of course Richie could pull off sounding like an old ass dude.

He was technically older than them...so it made sense.

As Amber watched Tara maneuver through the house, she was genuinely surprised.

Richie had actually managed to capture Tara's interest.

Simply by linking himself to her unappreciative and unloving mother.

Poor poor Tara...

Amber was getting more anxious by the minute.

She was really about to brutally attack her girlfriend.

Richie had been too excited to notice Amber's clear hesitation before they started.

This is for Tara. To protect her.
That's what Amber repeated to herself.
Over and over.
Trying to believe it.

Richie would be quizzing Tara on the original STAB, which solidified her failing the quiz.

Tara knew the basics, but Amber knew she had never really paid attention to the movie.

Tara: It was some psycho. I'm locking the doors.

And so it begins.

Amber: WTF?! You okay??

Amber heard the landline ring.
And ring.
And ring.

Amber took a deep breath in...under that mask.

Amber: You should answer it.
Tara: How did you know my landline was ringing?

Tara: Amber?

Amber: This isn't Amber.

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