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***** 7 months before events of Scream (2022)*****

School had started back for about a month.

Amber had genuinely been excited about it.

Not because it was her senior year.
Because her life finally felt content.

She had everything she had ever wanted.


Her inner darkness seemed to have lightened because of Tara.

As if she had been saved.

She didn't feel as angry anymore.
Unless Wes was involved....
But even then.
She had found some sort of peace with Tara loving her like she did.

When Amber got home from school, she was surprised to find her mother in the kitchen.

Drinking wine, nonetheless.

Vivianne Freeman was an uptight woman.
Very critical of everyone and everything.

Amber wondered if her mother had ever been carefree.

As long as she's been alive, she had never seen the woman relax.

Even with a glass a wine, Vivianne was still wound up. Tightly.

"Surprised to see you home," Amber said throwing her backpack on the table.

Vivianne shrugged, "Meetings got canceled."

"And dad's?"

"Not as lucky."

Amber nodded as she walked to the refrigerator.

"Where's Tara? Don't see her attached to your hip," her mother remarked.

Amber rolled her eyes.

A few weeks prior, Vivianne had caught the two girls making out on the couch.

She had made no comment, but Amber knew it was eating her alive to keep quiet.

Or maybe she just didn't give a fuck.

Either option was a possibility.

"Her mom is on a 'good' bender. Trying to spend time with her or something," Amber scoffed.

"Jesus Christ. That woman," Vivianne sighed.


Even though Amber agreed with her mother, she knew Vivianne was just as absent from her life as Cristina Carpenter was from Tara's.

Amber had only ever found one redeeming trait in her mother: protectiveness.

When Amber was younger, she found herself in a lot of trouble.

Fights at school. Nasty pranks.

Whatever the case was, Vivianne was there to get Amber out of its consequences.

Ghostface CorruptionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang