Hospital of Death

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While Amber waited outside of the Hicks's house, she decided to text Tara.

Now that Sam confessed the truth to all of them, she needed to discuss it with Tara.

It would be odd if she didn't right?

She needed to know how Tara felt about Sam's little secret.

Amber: hey love
Tara: hey☹️
Amber: how are you feeling?
Tara: like hell actually
Amber: the pain meds aren't helping? Figured you'd be high as a kite right now
Tara: eh
Amber: so...Sam told all of us something earlier
Tara: oh now she's blabbing to the entire town🙄
Amber: you knew??
Tara: she told me this morning after you left
Amber: how do you feel about it? It's pretty crazy
Tara: she should've told me a long time ago
Amber: I agree
Tara: and it doesn't excuse her abandoning me
Amber: absolutely not
Tara: it's just so much heavy bullshit to drop on someone who was stabbed 7 fucking times
Amber: I'm sorry baby...I wish I could make this all go away for you
Tara: just promise me you're being safe...I can't handle losing you
Amber: I'll kill that motherfucker just for you
Tara: absolutely not. Don't do anything stupid

Amber sighed as she put her phone away.
Not exactly how she wanted that conversation to go, but Tara still wasn't fond of Sam.
So that's a win.

Suddenly, Amber heard the front door open.

Sheriff Hicks hopped off into her SUV and drove away.

Amber was about to circle around back to hide inside when she bumped into Richie.

"You wait at the front door," he whispered.

"But I'm killing Wes...who's inside," she gritted.

"Change of plans. You're quicker than me. What if the cops pull up before I can get away from the house," Richie said.

"Fuck you. I'm killing Wes," Amber snapped.

But Richie pushed her back when she tried to go around him.

"There's no time for petty arguments. Don't be a child, go wait up front," Richie snapped before running to the back of the house.


The one highlight of this entire scheme for Amber was ridding the world of Wes Hicks.
And Richie had swiped it away from her.

Claiming she was acting like a child...which she was.
A child that he had fucked.

That fucking perv

Amber realized that Richie didn't see her as an equal in this.
He thought he was in charge.
Calling the shots.
When Amber had done all of the dirty work so far.

Amber felt this rage boiling inside of her.
How dare he treat her like some fucking pawn!

This entire plot wouldn't even be in motion if Amber hadn't contacted him.

She could've carried all of it out on her own.
Richie was about as essential to her scheme as a piece of shit.

And to think they were doing this right now so Amber could attack her Tara...again.

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