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Stab was absolute shit.

Amber was shocked by what she had just witnessed.
She had expected Stab to get the Halloween 2018 treatment, or something similar to its effect.

Unfortunately, the new Stab was taken in the opposite direction.
The story had nothing to do with the previous movies, Ghostface wasn't in his iconic costume, and he had a fucking flamethrower.

The fun "whodunnit" aspect was lack-fucking-luster.
Ghostface was a loser.

The essence of those movies' greatness had been stripped away.
It had all become a joke.
It was no wonder that everyone in Woodsboro held zero interest in its legacy.
Who would give a shit when Stab is represented like that? No one.

Amber wondered what Richie thought of that bullshit.

"A fucking flamethrower...it's called Stab," Mindy
scoffed as she walked out of the theater with Amber.

"Exactly. Jesus Christ," Amber complained.

She had to stop herself from ranting about her disgust and disappointment.

"That just killed the franchise, no more Stab," Mindy said shaking her head.

Amber sighed, "Fuck...I just can't believe how bad that was."

Mindy laughed as she climbed into her car.
"It's just sad because we know slashers can work today," she said.

Amber rolled her eyes. If she said much more, Mindy would know more than she needed to.

Amber sighed, "Wanna get high?"

Mindy smiled, "Music to my ears."

Mindy drove to an empty parking lot and began rolling a blunt.

"So you've been avoiding Tara all week," Mindy stated.

Amber scoffed, "I have not."

Mindy laughed as she lit the blunt and took a long pull from it. She passed it over to Amber.

"You totally have. Because of Wes?"

In truth, Amber has expected more from Tara that week.
She needed clarification on why Tara wasn't into Wes.

Was it weird because they were friends?
Did she feel something for someone else? Amber maybe?

Much to her disappointment, Tara had failed to clarify anything.

Amber inhaled and passed it back.
"Why would Wes have anything to do with it?"

"Don't play dumb, Freeman. I know you didn't invite me tonight because you love Stab."

Amber reached for the blunt again, but Mindy held it just out of reach.

Mindy laughed, "My gaydar never lies. You've been jealous of Wes for weeks."

"Fuck you."

"We both know it's not me you wanna fuck."

Amber groaned, "Mindy! Please stop."

Mindy finally passed the blunt back to her.
"Tara broke that shit off a week ago dude. Why don't you just tell her?"

"She obviously doesn't feel the same."

"Are you fucking kidding? I've caught her staring at you on many, many, many occasions."

"Then why wouldn't she have said anything this week?"

Mindy laughed, "Because YOU have been avoiding HER."

"Whatever. Doesn't matter."

"Don't be such a pussy, Freeman. Wes was probably a distraction from her feelings for you."

"Tara has never experienced any interest in girls, Mindy."

Mindy exclaimed, "Which is EXACTLY why she tried with Wes!"

Amber rolled her eyes, "So what? I should proclaim my love to her? Yeah right."

Mindy shrugged, "Fine, suffer. But don't ever use me to make her jealous again."

Amber was about to deny it, but Mindy gave her a pointed look.

They both erupted into giggles.
"I am flattered by it. Just don't do that shit," Mindy laughed.

Amber smiled, "Yeah yeah."

When Amber arrived home, she immediately opened her messages from Richie.

He had been blowing her phone up all night.

Richie: What in the actual fuck was that shit...
Richie: is this real fucking life???
Richie: they just took a giant shit on fans

Amber laid across her bed, scrolling through Richie's rant-filled messages.

Amber: someone can breathe new life into Michael fucking Meyers but not Ghostface?
Richie: The formula to a successful revival was right FUCKING there!
Amber: did they just completely pull that out of their ass?
Richie: I could write a better story than the pile of shit we got

Amber giggled at the last message.
With the type of people in Woodsboro, she definitely thought she could too.

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