Finish It

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Amber wanted to fucking scream until her lungs blew out.

Everything was going to complete shit.
She shouldn't have done that.
Shooting Liv in front of Tara.
Exposing herself in such a public and chaotic fashion.

She let her inner darkness take complete control.
And how could she not?

Because that is what Amber was.

But there was no going back now.
And despite Tara's response, Amber felt a sort of...freedom.

Finally, her true self was on display.
Shooting Liv in such a dramatic showing had exhilarated her beyond belief.

Amber grabbed her costume and charged out of her bedroom.

As she walked past the living room, she checked for Sam.
But only Liv and Mindy's bodies remained.

Mindy slumped against the entertainment center.
Blood staining her shoulder.

Liv sprawled out behind the couch.
Blood and brains coating anything close to her.

When she rounded the hallway corner, she was taken by surprise.

Richie whispers, "Sam is somewhere in the house. Where's Tara?"

"Tied up in my closet."

"That was fucking AWESOME, honey! You change and I'll find..."

He stopped when they heard the slamming of car doors from outside.

"Who the fuck is that," Amber growls as she followed Richie to the front window.

Richie peeked through the window curtain.

"Oh SHIT! It's Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers," he excitedly says.

Amber didn't know if she should feel excited about the legacy characters showing up considering how "off-book" their plan had already become.

But she was thrilled.

What if they finally killed the great Sidney Prescott?
What if their Ghostfaces were successful in murdering all three of the legacy survivors?

They would be the legends now.

"Okay. I'll distract them. Go upstairs and find Sam," Amber urges Richie.

He quickly nods as he skips up the stairs.

Amber stuffed Dewey's pistol into the back of her jeans before letting out bloodcurdling scream.

She bursted through the front; clutching her stomach as she screamed again.

"HELP! HELP ME, PLEASE! HE STABBED ME," she dramatically screamed at the two women standing before her.

Sidney Prescott wearily looked to Gale Weathers.

"What do you think," she mused.

Gale shook her head, "Trap."

Amber rolled her eyes.
She didn't have time for this bullshit.

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