P or T

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Amber stared at herself in her bathroom mirror.

The range of emotions she was feeling were almost unbearable.

What had Tara's reaction meant?
Where did Wes fall into all of this?
Why now?
And what the hell was she supposed to do about Parker now?

She screamed at herself, causing her face to redden.
She hated feeling like she had zero control over the situation.

Her phone buzzed.
It was the group chat.

Chad: Freeman! Parker is stoked about tonight😈
Amber: how the hell do you even know that???
Mindy: Bc he gossips like a fucking female🤭
Chad: I'm just a compassionate dude. Ladies love to tell me shit🤗
Amber: Well I don't need your help in that area, so fuck off
Chad: Oh really? When is the last time you got laid? 👀
Mindy: Why are you always concerned about people's sex lives?🤮
Amber: I can assure you, more recent you have ass-wipe🤫
Amber sighed as she threw her phone on her bed.
She had noticed Tara's silence in that conversation.

Was that a good or bad sign?

Who gives a shit, she thought.

She needed to get over Tara, who still had a boyfriend.

Tonight was the night Amber would wipe away any romantic feelings for her best friend.

At around 8:00 pm, Amber heard a knock at her front door.

She opened it to find a smiling Parker Lawerence standing on the other side.

"I'm early," Parker winked as she walked inside.

Amber laughed, "Per my request."

Parker giggled as she walked into the kitchen.
She pulled out a handle of Jack Daniels out of her purse and sat it on the counter.

Quirking her eyebrow, "Come on, Freeman. Let's pre-game."

Whiskey girl, she thought.

Amber smirked as she retrieved two shot glasses.
"Eager are we," she teased as she slid a glass towards Parker.

Parker poured her shot and passed the bottle over to Amber.

"Like I said, it's not everyday Amber Freeman gives you her undivided attention," she smirked as she downed her shot.

Amber laughed and threw her's back as well.

"Don't know why you had to go through Chad to get my attention," Amber said.

Parker playfully scoffed, "I don't know if you realize this but for someone who throws parties, you kinda stick to your group."

"I don't like most people."

"And what about me?"

Amber smirked.

"I invited you...personally didn't I?"

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