Breaking Point

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Amber spent the next week shoving Sam and Richie to the back of her mind.

Which was proving to be difficult.

Richie continued to pester her about various scenarios of Stab involving Billy Loomis's daughter.

Richie: Imagine a Loomis Woodsboro again!!!

Richie: The victims all being connected to the OG!

Richie: Hell didn't you say Dewey still lives there? BAM! Legacy character!

Richie: It's like the perfect requel formula!

Amber just tried to give him logical...sane reasons for why it would...could never happen.

Amber: The victims you refer to are all of my friends
Richie: Friends come and go sweetie

He really was a looney.
Maybe Amber shouldn't have mentioned it at all.
He hadn't really helped her with the situation of telling or not telling Tara the truth.

Tara, who Amber was currently trying to convince to come over.

Amber: I'm all alone in this big house☹️
Tara: Poor babyyyy
Amber: You should come save me
Tara: You just want to use my body😂
Amber: False! I want your company!
Tara: 🤔
Amber: And stuff happens that's an added bonus🤭
Tara: Yeah yeah. I'll be over in 30 baby😂😘

Amber waited for Tara for about an hour before she decided to try and call her.

The call went straight to voicemail, which was odd.

Amber was about to head over to Tara's house to check on her when she heard a knock at the front door.

Amber opened the door to find a puffy-eyed Tara waiting behind it.

"What happened," she frantically asked as she pulled Tara into her embrace.

Tara choked, "Mom...came home completely wasted."

Amber sighed, "Oh baby..."

Amber led Tara into the living room, pulling her into her as they sat on the couch.

Amber knew it was a matter of time before Cristina Carpenter started that cycle over.

"She was just like mumbling about she shouldn't have had kids."

Amber shook her head, "I don't think she really meant that baby."

Tara let the tears stream down her face.

"I just don't understand what's so horrible about me to her."

Amber sternly grabbed Tara's hands.

"Absolutely nothing. If anything, she's referring to Sam. You're just the only one around to take the heat."

Tara sighed, "What could Sam have done to make her act this way though? She was going off the deep end even before Sam left."

Amber but the inside of her cheek.
She knew exactly why, and she wanted desperately to offer Tara some relief.

But she couldn't do it.

She was afraid Tara would just forgive Sam for all of it, and Sam didn't deserve to be let off so easily.

Amber gently wiped the tears away from Tara's cheek.

"I don't know...I just know you don't deserve for it all to fall on your shoulders."

"It's not fucking fair. I can't handle this cycle anymore."

Amber frowned, "I know, but you know I'll always be here for you. I'll always love you. I'll never leave you."

Tara sadly smiled as she laid on Amber's chest.

"I know. I just wish my sister extended the same love and support as you do for me."

Amber kissed Tara's head, "That might be a little weird don't you think?"

Tara let out a weak giggle.

"Yeah. God...fuck her for leaving me. I wish she could see how it has affected me...and mom."

Amber's fists clenched behind Tara's back.

She couldn't handle it anymore.
Tara having to feel this pain.
Sam living without any consequences.

Amber decided right there.
She'd make Sam pay.

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