Movie Night

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Amber eventually pulled into Tara's driveway and honked the car horn.

Tara's tiny figure sprinted across the front lawn. She smiled brightly at Amber as she climb into the passenger seat.

"Why are you so happy," Amber chuckled.

Tara unzipped her backpack and lifted a vodka bottle out.
She playfully wiggled her eyebrows at Amber.
Amber laughed as she dug her flask out of the console.

"Fill her up," she said handing it to Tara.

Tara took the flask and put it in between her thighs. She poured the vodka in, taking a shot before closing the cap.

Tara twisted her lips together.

Shaking her head, Tara asked, "Why does getting fucked up have to be so...gross?"

Amber kept her eyes on the road.
"Don't be a pussy, Carpenter."

"Fuck you," Tara laughed.

Tara straightened up and asked, "So why'd you get sent to the office today?"

Amber shrugged, "I raised my voice with Mrs. Rose, allegedly."

Tara frowned, "Why? Everything okay with you?"

Amber kept her eyes on the road.
"I wasn't feeling her bullshit today is all."

Tara nodded, "Oh...okay. Did I tell you I'm getting a job this summer?"

Amber laughed, "No. Why? Where?"

"Because your girl here is broke. In that little cafe on the square," Tara replied.

"Definitely coming in to make you serve me then."

"Only if you're a good tipper."

"Make it worth it for me."

Amber glanced sideways to catch Tara's cheeks redden.

Tara played it off with a "fuck you."

Amber pulled into the twins' driveway.
She reached for her flask in between Tara's legs.
She felt Tara stiffen at their sudden proximity.

Amber fought the urge to smirk as she pulled back. She downed a swig from the flask.

"Ugh, you should've gotten whiskey. Ready," she asked arching her eyebrow.

Tara nodded, "Ye..yeah." She quickly stuffed the vodka back into her bag and got out.

As they were walking up to the door, Wes called out from behind them.

"Wait up," he called as he jogged towards them.

Amber rolled her eyes when Tara slowed down for him.

Wes smiled sweetly at her, "Hey."

Tara returned his smile. Amber opened the front door and waved them on, "Let's go lovebirds."

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