Sorry I took so long

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Amber willingly followed Tara into her bedroom.
She sat on the edge of her bed, leaning back on her hands.

"Where's this present, tiny," she smiled at Tara.

Tara bit her lip, she seemed nervous all of a sudden.
She retrieved her bag from the corner of Amber's room.
She hesitantly pulled out a rolled up parchment.

"The anticipation is killing me," Amber teased as she shifted forward on the bed.

"Patience is a virtue ya know," Tara stated.

"When have you ever known me to be patient?"

"I'm hoping you've been practicing it for the last few months..."

Tara slowly handed over the parchment.

Amber unrolled it and widened her eyes as it revealed itself.

It was a painted portrait of Amber.

"Wow, Tara...this is amazing," she quietly said.

Tara smiled, "I couldn't quite capture but it's close enough."

Amber's cheeks reddened so she cleared her throat.

"Oh...uh...what's it for though?"

"I'm sorry it took me so long," Tara nervously smiled.

"What? It's not like I was waiting on it, tiny. I didn't know it existed," Amber laughed.

Tara playfully rolled her eyes as she lowered herself onto her knees in front of Amber.

They were eye-level now, yet Amber couldn't bring herself to look into those brown eyes.

"Amber...will you look at me?"

Amber cautiously met Tara's eyes.

"I love you," Tara whispered.

Amber giggled awkwardly, "I love you too, tiny."

Tara sighed and shook her head.

"No...I'm like in love with you," she whispered before gently placing a kiss on Amber's lips.

Holy shittttt

Amber was in too much shock to even properly kiss Tara back.
She had to be imagining this right?
Was she that wasted?

Tara slowly pulled back, resting her hands on Amber's knees.

"Have I completely misread our situation," Tara asked, fear lacing her voice.

Say something, you idiot!

Amber quickly grabbed Tara's hands, squeezing them gently.

"No, no! I just...I'm in shock?"
"Uh...because you had a boyfriend up until a few hours ago?"
"Like I said, I'm sorry I took so long."

Amber exhaled a shaky breath.
She couldn't believe this was happening.

"How...long have you...uh...," she started to ask before Tara cut her off.
"A long time. I was just scared of losing you at some point."

Amber rolled her eyes and slid down off the bed.
She sat on knees, facing Tara; never dropping her hands.

"You could never lose me, Tara. You mean...the entire world to me."
Tara smiled the biggest Amber had seen in a long time, if ever.

"I...I love you so much, Amber."
"I love you too," Amber whispered before leaning in to gently and properly kiss Tara.

Their kiss was sweet; neither wanting to move things along too quickly.

When they broke apart, they embraced each other.
Neither let go because time had ceased to exist for them.

Amber felt at peace...content for the first time in her life.

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