period of unrest

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One day, everyone was exiled out of the base except for Orbot, Cubot and an E-1000 robot for unspecified reasons. The three remaining robots was gathered by Metal Sonic for a colloquy.

"Alright, as you've probably seen, everybody in this base is gone now. The blaster is 75% complete and the heat of the excess machines will slow its progress." Metal Sonic states.

"Now, as you look at the counter, it's stuck at 75%. I must travel back in time using the Master Emerald and capture a high-profile female echidna, namely Tikal. She knows how to obtain the emerald's full power, so it's only right to capture her." Metal Sonic adds.

"Okay, how would you execute this? And what if she tries to resist?" Orbot raises.

"You know what I do with hardheaded people. We enforce deadly options to make them spit the words they're bottling in." Metal Sonic responds.

"Alright, one more question. Can you just go into the past and target whoever that person is?" Orbot asks.

"Why'd you look down on me? I WAS created for combat and people in the past are way underdeveloped compared to my arsenal. So you should just shut up and guard the cannon with the two." Metal Sonic replies as he pulls out three Chaos Emeralds. 

"You, carry this one." Metal Sonic instructs as he looked at the E-1000 and tossed a red Chaos Emerald at its hand.

"Chaos CONTROL!" Metal Sonic shouts as he and the E-1000 zapped back into time 3,000 years ago. He ends up in a bushy forest where a few palm trees reside. He then begins to fly up and activated his built-in detector to locate anthropomorphic entities within a large radius.

 The duo went to the exact coordinates where the Mystic Ruins is located prior to the modern era, and after a while, he unsurprisingly stumbled upon the Knuckles Clan. Upon encountering them, he "greets" them with a reverberant voice.

"Hello, people of the past. I seek a peaceful interrogation with your leader." Metal Sonic asserts as he hovered above them.

Pachacamac, the chieftain, heard this and slowly but carefully went outside to look around, but he saw nothing. A few of his men noticed that he was outright confused, so they decided to tell him to gaze up in the sky.

"Who are you?" Pachacamac shouted as he gave Metal Sonic a sullen look.

"Let me also ask, is it necessary?" Metal Sonic returns.

"What do you want?" Pachacamac asserts.

"That's a great question. I want your daughter, Tikal. We have important matters that requires intervention of her." Metal Sonic replies.

Pachacamac grinned to his relish upon hearing his sentence and came back, "Oh, fantastic. I thought you had bad intentions, but you can just take that witless little girl who kept on prying into my decree to expanding our country." Pachacamac ordered some his men to take Tikal out without any second thoughts. 

"What are you doing-" Tikal yowled as she tries to resist.

"SILENCE, SNIP! You get the hell out of here with that person. You are of no use and you deserve to be alienated from the clan, hear me?" Pachacamac attests as he pulled Tikal closer.

"W-W-Why?" Tikal puts forward, frowning in response.

"No questions! You're supposed to follow the parent, and defiance to them is frowned upon amongst people. Not to mention that you would continue on insisting that you love and care for me when you keep foiling my decisions, you sick freak!" Pachacamac replies.

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