Chapter 21

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Cora's P.O.V
The fights should have been easy against these younger exorcists but it wasn't; the first problem came when myself, Road and Tyki were waiting in a livingroom pretty much we knew that Kanda had hung back to fight Skinn.

The rest of the exorcists had moved through the second door and would have been greeted by the twins in the arms library; they had been told that the debt left to them by Cross...was connected to Allen Walker since Allen was Cross's pupil. Not half an hour after the twins left both Tyki and Road started crying or more like having tears fall down their faces when Skinn had been defeated.

I had crutches to move around but at that point Tyki was holding me on his lap as I did my best to soothe the pain they felt. We had moved to the tower top by me teleporting us to the tower; there was a long table and food waiting as I sat wincing a little and Tyki moved checking on my ankle.

"I'm alright my love; it's going to be tender for a bit." Playfully rolling my eyes when Tyki dragged me on my chair to him as he let me elevate my ankle on his lap so I could relax.

"The swelling has gone down greatly since earlier; but I still don't want you walking around so much." Tyki frowned some but had placed a bag of ice back onto my ankle and I winced a little at the cold.

Tyki smirked when I flinched. "I'm not sorry you need the cold to reduce the swelling."

"They've left the vampire guy behind." Road spoke up from her spot as both myself and Tyki looked to her alert and then to the door knowing the remaining exorcists were headed our way. "Are you sure you will be alright Cora?"

I smiled softly. "Yep; don't worry if problems arise I'll go to the new ark and join up with Earl there."

Road smiled and giggled when I stole food from Tyki's plate and saw the playful glare I was getting. "No one has ever done that to you before Tyki."

"She does it often; when Cora would study so much I would have a plate between us to make her eat some food."

I playfully rolled my eyes but tensed when the twin doors started opening up and I bit back a snicker when Road went running and kissed Allen.

Tyki was shocked when Road kissed Allen since she only ever kissed Earl's cheek but that was it and never another member in the family. But I saw the light glare I was getting when I snickered at Road's actions.

Tyki sighed before he spoke. "Road are you really that taken to Allen Walker?"

Road playfully teased Tyki and I held out a hand to calm her down as she smiled to me and gave a hug before she whispered so I heard. "I have the key to the door for the new ark with me?" She slipped me the key as I nodded my head; this key was incase neither Road nor Tyki could get me to safety.

I looked up when Tyki spoke that we had gotten hungry while waiting and when he asked them if they wanted to know how much time they had left. The minute that they went to look Road locked the door and I smirked as well.

"Take a seat; the clock is ticking and you exorcists will not be leaving this place." I spoke up and saw the glare from Allen.

"You were there when Tyki attacked me last time; but your not a Noah are you?"

"Nope I'm human like you boy; the only difference is I was born with my powers and I hate the Order." Hearing a chuckle come from Tyki.

Tyki Mikk x OCWhere stories live. Discover now