Chapter Two: Please Just Catch Me

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<fantaaa92> hey r u on??

<fantaaa92> hellllllloooooooo

<fantaaa92> Hayley Jennifer Roberts!!!!!!!!!!!

<iheartthebeatles> o im sry

<iheartthebeatles> I was thinking

<fantaaa92> thinking, eh? What happened

<iheartthebeatles> nothing.

<fantaaa92> tell me.

<iheartthebeatles> fine

<fantaaa92> wow ur easy to crack! Lolz

<iheartthebeatles> this guy named Cameron was looking through my trash and he’s from GA and he just moved into the Millers house and apparently his dad is Tom Green, who is the editor-in-chief of The Scene! And I feel like an idiot b/c I read it all the time, and I was all like so what’s ur position? He looked at me like I was as dumb as a rock. Gosh I feel like an idiot

<fantaaa92> I love The Scene!

<iheartthebeatles> o please not now

<fantaaa92> y was he looking through ur trash?

<iheartthebeatles> honestly idk but he made this joke on how his dad was always looking for new material.

<fantaaa92> im lost

<iheartthebeatles> it was papers from school, hello, ritual? And he kept makin these weird comments like ‘how do you do this’ and all this other crap I didn’t understand…. L

<fantaaa92> maybe he wants u to work @ The Scene

<iheartthebeatles> doubt it.

<fantaaa92> sry X(

<iheartthebeatles> he was just so…..weird

<fantaaa92> was he cute?? ;-)

<iheartthebeatles> that’s all u have 2 say?

<fantaaa92> well geez, im sry. Just trying to look on the bright side…

<iheartthebeatles> i really didn’t get to take a real good look @ him so I can’t really say anything.

<fantaaa92> L

<iheartthebeatles> Ik sry. O hey, I’ll look him up on twitter.

<fantaaa92> u go girl

            So, I log into my twitter account and search “Cameron Green”. I click the first one to see if it’s him. A picture finally pops up. Yup, that’s him. I click on the “share” link and hit IM to a friend.

<iheartthebeatles> found him. I will send u his pic in a min

<fantaaa92> k yipeee!

            Once I have hit SEND, I wait for Jessica to reply.

<iheartthebeatles> did u get it?

<iheartthebeatles> hello?

<fantaaa92> DANG!

<iheartthebeatles> wat

<fantaaa92> he’s smokin’ hot!!

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