Chapter Twenty-Nine: Can't Stand It

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I couldn’t take it any longer. I had to see him; for once and for all. I marched up to the Greens’ doorstep the next morning and rang the doorbell.

          The door opened within moments and a frazzled Tom appeared at the door. His hair was poking out in different directions, there was a small stain on his t-shirt and a pencil was stuck behind his ear. “Hayley, how’s it going?”

          “Um, alright. Is Cameron home?” I ask, hoping I didn’t sound too desperate.

          “Uh, no. He never came back last night,” Tom sayss.

          He looked a little bit drunk to me, which was kinda odd, but I needed to find out where Cameron was.

          “Where was he last night?” I inquire.

          “Can’t remember,” he admits.

          Okay, he was clearly drunk. “I should get going,” I say, not wanting to make the situation any more awkward then it already was.

          “See you later,” he closes the door and I walk back to my house, feeling a bit flustered.

          I had been looking for answers, yet all I had found was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nada. Just a big gaping, black hole in front of me that I was falling into. Oh, joy.

          I drive to work earlier than usual, but it’s okay since there’s plenty of things that still need to get done before the big Scene re-launch party that’s tomorrow. I’m able to order all the decorations and then move onto creating the music playlist, which Stacy has left me in charge of. I don’t mind at all, it’s just kind of hard to focus on picking happy songs when I’m feeling extremely depressed now.

          “Gosh, Hayley; you look like you’re about to cry. What’s gotten into you?” I look up to see Charlotte looming over me.

          “Oh, hey. Nothing, just the-“

          “Guy issues,” she finishes off for me.

          I sigh. “Guys suck.”

          “Tell me about it,” she pulls up a chair next to me. “Have you talked to him?” her voice is so quiet now, almost a whisper.

          “No, not yet. I was dying to this morning so I went over to his house but he wasn’t there,” I explained.

          Her eyes widened.

          “Tom said he didn’t even come back after last night.”

          “Where could he be?”

          “I have got no idea,” I say, my eyes clearly filled with worry.

          She patted me on the shoulder. “We’ll work it out, don’t worry,” she walked back to her cubicle.

          But I couldn’t stop worrying. I just couldn’t.

          I bolt out of the door and run to my car. I need to find him.

          I turn up the radio, and then turn it off remembering how much it actually sucks. I stick in a CD that Cameron burned for me. Mayday Parade starts to play and I start to reminisce about all the good times we had. In the attic where we had our first kiss, on the boat, in his room, at Warped Tour, the picnic at the beach, in his car-it was all coming back to me.

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