Chapter Twenty-Five: Fall Apart

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          My phone was buzzing all night. Text after text, call after call, Cameron wouldn’t leave me alone. I wish he would stop it already. Did he even realize what had just happened?

          What an asshole.

          I was actually stupid enough to think that Cameron and I had something going on. Something special. What was wrong with me? More importantly, what was wrong with him? He told me he loved me after all but now it seemed like it was all a big fat lie. Our entire relationship was just that. I couldn’t believe it.

          I was in need of an intervention.

          I opened the freezer and took an entire pint of Ben & Jerry’s out.

          “Okay, I see your old friends are back,” Caroline says pointing at the ice cream. “What happened Hayley?” she demands.

          I sigh. “I don’t think I should say.”

          “Yes, please. Look, I’m your older sister; I’ve been through these things before.”

          For a moment, I could tell that Caroline had actually meant what she’d said.

          “Fine. Cameron cheated on me,” I spit out.

          “Oh, Hayley, I’m so sorry,” she puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. “With who exactly?”

          “I don’t want to go into detail,” I could totally feel the tears welling up. As if I hadn’t cried enough already last night.

          She gives me a comforting hug. A gesture so simple, but yet such a big step for Caroline; she’s never exactly been a very touchy, let’s-talk-about-our-feelings kind of gal. But I definitely appreciate her sympathy.

          “Look, if he did that, it’s totally his loss.”

          “Thanks, sis.”

          “No problem.”

          “If he rings the doorbell will you tell him I’m not here?”

          “Sure. You got it.”

          I can’t help cracking a grin as I take the ice cream upstairs to my room.

          I pop in The Notebook and get comfortable under the covers. Halfway through the movie, I can feel myself drifting off to sleep.

*        *        *

          I called Stacy later and explained why I hadn’t come to work today. Surprisingly, she was pretty understanding and let me off easy.

          I spent the rest of the day in mourning because according to Caroline’s issues of Cosmo, that’s what a girl was to do after she found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her. But mainly because I didn’t even want to think what would be in store for me when I went to work tomorrow. I couldn’t face Mandy. I just couldn’t. Yet I had come so far-I wasn’t going to give up this job.

          The next morning, Caroline was willing enough to give me a lift to work. We stopped by Starbuck’s on the way and I got my favorite: a caramel Frappuccino. Yum.

          When we pulled into the parking lot of the building all I could think of was seeing Mandy standing there, glaring at me.

          “It’ll be okay,” Caroline said, as if reading my thoughts.

          I sigh. “I really do hope so.”

          She reached over and gave me a hug. “You’re strong, Hayley. I know you can do this.”

          “Thanks.” Now this was just plain insane. Why was Caroline being so nice to me? This wasn’t how she normally was at all. What had they done with my sister?

          I pass Mandy in the lobby but keep my head up high just like I had planned. No one was going to bring me down today.

          Once I get to my cubicle, I engage in conversation with Charlotte and try to keep Cameron out of my head. Everything’s going well until Mandy walks by and purposely shoves me.

          I want to say, “Watch where you’re going, bitch!” but that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.

          Instead, I just glare at her and get back to work.

          Stacy’s got me coming up with some new ideas for The Scene’s 15th Anniversary party. She wants me to help her decide on all the little details such as the color of the balloons-which I think should just be silver and purple since those are The Scene colors.

          So, my day is pretty easy for the most part.

          I take out my Sidekick and scroll through all the messages Cameron has sent me. Should I reply? Maybe to just one? No, I couldn’t do that. He didn’t deserve it; he didn’t deserve me.

          In fact, I’m not really sure who he deserved. He had clearly broken my heart. 

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