Chapter Twenty-Two: I Guess You Can Say Things Are Getting Pretty Serious

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As soon as I get home, I can hear dishes and plates clanking against each other in the kitchen. I knew for a fact that Rosa, our housekeeper, was on her vacation, so I carefully peeked through the doorway.

          I could see Caroline attempting to set the table and Mom was washing more dishes. There was a big pot of God-only-knows-what burning on the stove.

          I check my watch just to make sure that I’m not imagining things. It’s 5:30-Mom usually didn’t get home until 7 or 8. What was she doing home so early? And why was Caroline, of all people, helping her?

          “Oh, there you are Hayley,” Mom says before I can turn around and bolt upstairs to my room.

          “What’s going on?” I ask her, my face blank.

          She frowns. “I just thought I’d make some dinner for us, you know, for once this year.”

          I put my hands on my hips. “Mom, what’s really going on?”

          She pauses for a moment, anticipating to say something until Caroline blurts out, “She invited Cameron over for dinner tonight.”

          “WHAT?” I’m about to lose my temper.

          “Honey, it’s not that bad,” Mom explains, seeing that I’m concerned. “Look, sweetie, I’m sorry about our little fight last night. I didn’t want you to get so mad at me.” I can see that she really means it. “I just want to get to know Cameron a little better,” she continues, “I understand that The Scene is rivals with Hollywood 911 but I don’t want you to say that I ruined your first relationship.”

          I cannot even believe what she’s saying. I mean, I honestly didn’t think she was going to be this sympathetic towards me.

          “So, we should keep this on the ‘down-low’?” I ask.

          “I think that would be the best thing right now-no one should find out,” she leaned in closer to me and whispered, “I don’t think anyone even knows that Tom and I are living right next to each other. I doubt want it to seem like we’re feuding but I don’t want them to think we’re ‘getting to know each other’,” she makes quotation marks with her fingers.

          I sigh. “Mom, are you sure about this?” I question her.

          She puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a thoughtful look. “Yes, honey, I’m absolutely sure. Now, no need to worry, I already contacted Cameron thanks to your sister’s help,” she assures me.

          I shoot a look at Caroline. She must have found his number in the contacts that were on my computer.

          I shrug. “Alright, I guess I’ve got nothing to lose,” I declare even though there’s well let’s just say-a good list of things I could lose. My boyfriend, my job, my mom could even lose her career if anyone found out about this.

          “That’s my girl,” Mom gives me a hug, seemingly more jubilant than ever.

          I force a smile.

          “Now,” she points a finger at me, “no telling, okay? Not even Jess,” she adds thoughtfully.

          “You got it Mom,” I say.

          She gives me a kiss on my forehead. “Be ready soon, okay?”

          “Sure thing,” I head upstairs to my room.

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