Chapter Fourteen: Into Your Arms

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<iheartthebeatles> time 4 warped tour!!!! J

<fantaaa92> of course, ur going w/ ur hottie neighbor w/o me… L

<iheartthebeatles> well, he said he had an extra ticket and-

<fantaaa92> its cool, don’t worry, Hayley. I got a callback w/ Sixteen today!

<iheartthebeatles> o really?? That’s awesome

<fantaaa92> yep, omg and u have to go get the summer issue wen it comes out b/c I’ll be in it. ya, that’s right

<iheartthebeatles> Yay!

<fantaaa92> ikr so happy!

<iheartthebeatles> look jess, I g2g. I have to pack my bag for warped

<fantaaa92> k bye! Ttyl

<iheartthebeatles> byeas

            I sighed. This was going to be some freaking awesome. It was 8 in the am and I was going to Vans Warped Tour in like an hour. YES!!

            I grabbed a small black and white checkered back pack and started to pack. I tossed in two bottles of unopened water (Cameron told me that they wouldn’t let you in with water that was already opened), my wallet (containing $120, for merch and what not), toilet paper (yes, there were only porta-potties there, which are known for a shortage of TP), some sunscreen (SPF 55) and my Sidekick of course.

            I walked over to my closet and opened the doors, causing a landslide to occur.

            I’ll admit, I should definitely clean this dump out. I’ve got so much clothes, I wanna give like half of it away. There’s no need to have 10 tank-tops of the same color.

            I managed to fish out a white linen tank I’d scored at Forever 21 that read “Music=Life” in block letters. I threw on some denim cutoffs (I’d torn up an old pair of jeans), my rubber All Time Low bracelet, a baby blue beanie and aviators.

            Ready to go.

            As if hearing my thoughts, the door bell rang downstairs.

            I grabbed my pack and went downstairs.

            I swung the door open to find Cameron leaning up against the frame, his long, muscular arms showing in a gray Glamour Kills tank top. He wore denim cutoffs similar to mine and smelled like aftershave.

            “Sup?” he asked.

            “Warped Tour, that’s what’s up,” I answered excitedly, plastering a big smile on my face.

            A large grin spread across his face. “Well, let’s go then,”

            I laughed, and went outside, closing the door behind me and locking it with my keys.

            Suddenly, I felt something warm touch my shoulder.

            I whirled around to find Cameron holding up his i-phone to take a picture.

            The moment was over too quick, as I wrestled for his phone.

            “Give it to me,” I shouted.

            “No, you’ll never see it,” he pushed me away playfully.

            “Ha, yeah, like that’s not possible,” I joked and threw my arms around his neck, trying to get the phone he was holding. He was a lot taller then me, so this was difficult, but I did get a glimpse of the picture.

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