Chapter Sixteen: Better Than Revenge

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            “So, how’d the photo shoot with Ashley go?” Charlotte asks me as she takes a bite out of her egg salad.

            “Ugh, don’t ask,” I cap my Vitamin Water.

            “Come on, what happened?”

            “I brought in the clothes and she was telling me that it wasn’t her ‘style’ and all this other B.S.”

            “Really? How’d the interview go?”

            “The interview was fine-kinda awkward, but it was okay, I guess. Anyways, I have to come back today with an entirely new wardrobe.”

            “Hmmm, and how are you going to do that?”            

            I smirk. “No worries, I already got that covered.” I lift a humongous tote bag and let her take a peek inside.

            Charlotte’s eyes widen. “And how exactly did you convince Stacy to let you get more clothes?”

            “I didn’t. This is all from my closet,” I tell her.

            “You’re kidding, right?” she practically chokes on her salad.

            “What? Is that a bad thing? Am I committing absolute celebrity fashion suicide?” I’m starting to get a little concerned.

            “No, I’m actually surprised.”

            “At what?”

            “Your genius instincts,” she admits.

            “Oh, so now I’m a genius?” I joke.

            “No, I didn’t say that. I said your instincts were genius.”

            “Close enough,” I get up, “I better get down there before Pablo yells some Spanish curse words at me.”

            “Haha, good luck,” Charlotte says.

            I wink at her as I close the door behind me.

            Time to rock and roll.

            Twenty minutes later, I’m face-to-face with Ashley’s picturesque house. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell.

            Ashley opens the door and greets me. “Pablo and I decided to do the photo shoot outside, by the pool,” she leads me to a pair of French doors.

            Pablo is already getting set up, I see.

            “I hope you got some better clothes for me, today.”

            “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered,” I set up the racks and let Ashley look through and pick out her first outfit.

            She looks through, and I can already tell that she’s a lot more pleased then she was yesterday. Perfect.

            “I love this!” Ashley pulls out an AC/DC shirt that I ‘cut up’ along with a pair of liquid leggings and beat-up black converse.

            “I’m glad you like it,” I say genuinely, secretly wanting to strangle her after this.

            She picks out a few more outfits and then goes to change into the first one behind one of those screen-thingys.

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