are you really still there God? ( Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester)

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Sam, Dean and Bobby have finally found Haven unfortunately she is still knocked out.

inside Haven Head

we see Haven facing the door that she just came out of. there is an unknow figure standing behind her. waiting for her to turn around to see him. But she don't turn around knowing that if she did she would see her daddy.

so Luci made the first move. are you not going to turn around so that we can talk he question Haven.

No Haven says.

and why not my little Morningstar Luci questioned.

because your not supposed to be in my head. your not even supposed to be able to find me Haven tells him. the raising of the witness was your idea wasn't it? Haven questions.

no it wasn't my idea but It did kill to birds with one stone Luci said in a sinister kind of way.

let me guess not only do you get to see me while my guardian is being distracted by grandad only knows what, and for one of the seal to breck. Haven questions

yup Luci says with a smile on his face.

you know... before Luci could finish saying what he wanted to thunder cut him off.

would you look at that my guarding has finally found me Haven deadpanned.

Luci starts to fade out

I will see you soon my little Star he says before he fully fade away.

once he disappear Haven feels another presents but this one belong to non other then her guardian Gabriel.

Haven has still not turned away from the door. Haven is silently crying but, she knows that if she turns around she is going to see Gabe. knowing that he feels guilty for not being able to find her sooner.

Haven her uncle says in a quit voice not knowing what his older brother did or what he showed her. are you okay he questions her.

Haven didn't respond all she did was shake her head no.

can you turn around he ask

again all he got was a shake of her head.

can I come over there then he asked

it took a few seconds to get an answer which was a nod of her head but it was better then nothing.

with Bobby, Sam and Dean


we see Bobby holding the same book that Haven was before she was knocked out. we see that she marked a page of the book with a very familiar looking neckless. except there is an extra charm on it.

Found it. Bobby say. before he adds on well Haven did Bobby says holding up the book in one hand and Haven neckless in the other.


The symbol you saw -- the brand on the ghosts...


Mark of the Witness.

Witness? Witness to what?

The unnatural. None of them died what you'd call ordinary deaths. See, these ghosts -- they were forced to rise. They woke up in agony. They were like rabid dogs. It ain't their fault. Someone rose them... on purpose.


Do I look like I know? But whoever it was used a spell so powerful it left a mark, a brand on their souls. Whoever did this had big plans. It's called "the rising of the witnesses." It figures into an ancient prophecy.

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