seriously Zachariah? (It's a Terrible Life) part 2

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People in coroner outfits roll a body bag past. SAM watches and sighs. DEAN and several other people, some in suits and some in the yellow shirts, also watch. SAM and DEAN notice each other. DEAN addresses another SUIT.

Something about this seem not right to you?

really Dean? Haven question. does something here seem right to you is the better question, the youngest archangel says disgussed at Dean question. not that the oldest Winchester know that he was being scolded

Uh, yeah, try the whole thing. I'm telling you, man, I'll never eat popcorn again.

Yeah, right.


DEAN is at his computer, accessing the Sandover personnel file for Paul Dunbar. It says his retirement party was supposed to be in two weeks.

Two weeks?

Haven who is sitting behind Dean just rolls her eyes at him.



SAM rolls his chair over to IAN's cubicle. IAN is wearing the yellow shirt for the first time and working busily.

Hey. Why would someone kill themselves two weeks before they were supposed to retire? I mean, Paul was two weeks from freedom. He should have been happy, right?

Haven shrugged her shoulder having given up trying to talk with either of the Winchester brothers.

I don't have time for this, Sam.

SAM laughs.

great now you really are a dick Haven deadpans

That's very funny.

SAM notices IAN's shirt and attitude.

What's with you?

the angel have given him a talking to and have sacared the crap out of him, that what, Haven think to herself

I'm working. It's important.

HR bust your balls or something? You're wearing the shirt. Did you shave?

A phone rings.

Tech support, this is Ian. Be right up. Gotta go up to twenty-two, speak to a manager.

IAN takes off the headset and leaves.



IAN knocks at the open door. DEAN looks up from his computer.

Haven poofs to wear Dean is and she find him with Ian, Sam real fake friend.

Hi. Ian, is it? Yeah, come on in. Yesterday you filled out a 445-T and no problem, just a few errors when we did your switch over to Vista. So I'm sure you're used to filling out the dash-R's, am I right?

Oh, no.

No no no. It's fine. It's fine. I just need you to redo one today so I can get the show on the road with the invoicing.

DEAN pushes a paper over the desk and smiles. IAN looks at it, terrified.

Oh my god.

No, it's fine. Just refile it and we're square.

I can't believe I did this.

yesterday you were stealing for the companies and today you are littary having a mental breakdown because you screwed up paper by accented, Haven states

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