like a mermaid? (Metamorphosis)

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Man, you got tall, kid.

They laugh at that comment.

How long has it been?

Ah, gotta be 10 years.

At lest Haven Says with a smile

You still a.. oh, what was it... a mathlete?

SAM scoffs a little.


Yep, sure is Dean and Haven say in unison

Been too long, boys and Haven. I mean, look at you. Grown men and women. John would have been damn proud of you. Sticking together like this.

Yeah. Yeah, we're as thick as thieves.

DEAN looks at SAM, who's smile is disappearing with DEAN's words. while Haven is giving both Winchester boys a death glare telling them to shut up.

Nothing more important than family.

TRAVIS walks over to the table, as DEAN follows, ignoring SAM. while Haven rolls her eyes at the Winchester antics

Sorry I'm late for the dance Travis told the three of them

They sit down at the table, SAM and Haven sits down on the bed next to DEAN, across from TRAVIS.

Thanks for helping out an old man. I'm a little, uh, shorthanded.

He indicates his right hand and arm, which is covered in a cast. They laugh at that.

So, you track down Montgomery?

Yeah, we found him at his home.


Well, he had a hell of a case of the munchies, topped off with a burger he forgot to cook Dean and Haven say in unison

That's him alright.

what is he exactly Haven questions?

Winchesters and Star, we got a rougarou on our hands.

A rougarou?

He looks over at SAM and Haven for a second.

Is that made up?

It sounds like a made up world Haven says

He looks back at TRAVIS before SAM can answer.

I agree with Haven That it sounds made up Dean says.

They're mean, nasty little suckers. Rotted teeth, wormy skin, the works.

Well, that ain't this guy. I mean, he was wearing a cellphone on his belt.

He'll turn ugly soon enough. They start out human, for all intents and purposes.

So, what? They go through some kind of metamorphosis?

like a mermaid Haven question but she was ignored.


MICHELLE is standing in the kitchen, cutting vegetables.


Yep, like a maggot turning into a bull fly.

JACK comes into the kitchen and opens the fridge. There's a new package of meat, which JACK spots right away while he's sniffing the air like a dog. Suddenly MICHELLE cuts her hand, badly. She cries out in pain and JACK turns around. Her hand is bleeding, which JACK notices.


But most of all-


-they're hungry.

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