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Alsindad stood in the shadows of the Budalass Tavern hoping to stay invisible for the night. Already it was the talk in town that a Triad Knight had taken a job as a simple guard to pay bail, but to have it openly broadcasted would pain him. This tavern in particular sat far north, planted too close to the Terran Wall that divided Terra from Greenshine.

He had come here for four weeks now, leaving with three new copper coins in his purse. Compared to the other jobs he had sought, this one paid best and so far his presence had not been openly noted. Only quick glances, loud snickering, and the occasional confrontations when he had to break up a brawl was the only time he was spoken to. Even the border patrollers on night shift would take their breaks here and thankfully they ignored him.

As the Friday night crowd slid in, Alsin planted himself on a stool in a far corner. He bopped his head to the loud jolly music of the band across the room and avoided eye contact. He had been forced over the weeks to become acquainted to the dingy smell of grime and warm bodies and the unruly sights of flying vomit and quick pleasures in dark corners. One thing he learned for sure by working here was to never touch the walls and never find himself lying on the floor.

A man a few tables away spewed ale from his overfilled gut onto the floor. Alsin grimaced in disgust noticing that some of the fluids splattered on a nearby man. That man Alsin recognized as Croner. He was once a patient of his father who illegally held a physician business after his first release from prison.

The ugly brute still had the nasty scar across his face from the deadly boar incident. His father had patched him up well and made the scar look strangely presentable, but by one look at the man it was obvious he had let himself go over the years.

"Hey," he growled jumping to his feet, hands clenched beside him. "You fat arse need to watch it."

The intoxicated man laughed raising his cup to his filthy mouth. Before he could take a good gulp, Croner slapped the cup from his hand. Alsin groaned, watching the fat man kick Croner in the kneecap. His yelp put the music and chaos on pause, but laughter erupted in their stead.

Croner's pimple face festered red as he quickly recovered and gave the laughing drunk a good sock in the nose. The impact sent the man falling backwards in his chair. The laughter was joined by shouts and banging of encouragements. Croner let it feed his anger and pride and hopped on top of the choking drunk.

Alsin groaned and rose from his stool as cheers followed the sound of punches. He shoved some men out of his way and when they turned to confront him, they clamped their lips sealed. By the time he got to Croner, the noise had lowered. He grabbed the man by the back of his shirt and pulled him off the drunk.

"Alright, break it up kids," he said, twisting his lips in annoyance. He threw the man into a table and glanced down at the pig.

Blood ran from his nostrils and mouth and his flustered cheeks were bruised. His eyelids were half closed and he wasn't moving. He shook his head at the unconscious fool.

Croner recovered his footing and pointed a finger in his face, "Don't you touch me."

"Then don't give me a reason to," he scolded.

"I don't take commands from a lunatic's boy."

Alsin clenched his jaw and glared at him, "That lunatic had saved your life once, you dumb arse fool."

He saw it before it came. He lunged away missing the fist by a few inches. Croner awkwardly regained his footing, but it was not fast enough. Alsin returned the punch straight in the man's snarled mouth. He stumbled backwards caressing his mouth.

"Let him and yuh'rot in the Abyss," he snarled.

"Don't worry, we'll see yuh there too," he sneered receiving a few chuckles from the crowd. Alsin went to go back to his stool.

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