The end of the beginning. And the beginning of a new life.

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The gun lay on the floor in two pieces slightly melting in the heat. The ginger stood broadly but still somehow slouched, it was now that the friends really realised that this was another kid with good skills, most likely forced at work because of them. "I am Ollie but call me what you want." The kid went back inside the door and on instinct the guys walked towards the other door for they already have the directions to the target. For the first time in what seemed like forever Ieuan spoke "We will finish our job then come back. Thanks for the directions, Ollie" he transformed and went charging down the hall with the rest of them in tow.

The door was around the corner, the guards now nothing but a mass of blood on the ground, shredded the same way Ieuan was before his mutation. From inside they heard a weird voice it was a young one, an innocent one then it turned to one of hatred. The person bellowed as they realised they had just been invaded with his only forces laying within the room. They stared at the door.

It opened...

And so it swung on its pendulum knocking a guard out the way, a gun was instantly pointed at a servant's head, a sword glowing blue in the distance and sharpened rocks pointed at everyone. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" the voice shouted with tears flowing down their face. "We,"
"Not only want,"
"But need,"
"A way to be unleashed,"
"And that way is Revenge." the invaders had all their lines timed in such way it made the terrorists shit their pants due to the truth and violence in every word. As the five all emerged from the darkness, they saw a sight that made them flinch. The owner of the voice was pulsating; rainbow colours spewed out of his mouth as he spoke "Do you think that you can win against me. The very thing that can control the spectrum itself, I control the world and now your gonna die." he charged but as he was about to punch Dafydd, Ieuan's mechanical jaws shut around the arm snapping it in 2 before releasing "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed trying to move but was held in place by Dylan telekinesis. They advanced (the guards to shocked to stop them) towards the glowing mess. In a simple strike the head fell, and bullets pierced his vital organs. Rocks around the room splintered skulls as well as souls.

Exiting the building was much easier then coming in especially with the help of Ollie. The engineer pointed out the traps and alarms. When they arrived outside it was noon and the compound seemed to be abandoned. They didn't care instead they went to the nearest house set up camp and slept. The mission was complete, and they could finally rest...

Or could they.

People were now free to do what they wanted. But for some this wasn't good things; people used their powers against society while others used them to help. Across the span off 6 months groups of villains formed, eventually making the word hero an occupation. How did you get paid? Well that was simple, you just needed to do your job well and stop the villains. This makes for huge amounts of deceit within the hero community as Japan set up the revolutionary idea of hero schools. Thousands applied but only a few hundred got in. This was the standard you had to be at if you wanted to be a hero. Fights were everywhere and civilians were always getting hurt or killed. However, when the villains do it everyone shouts at them because they think it was part of their plan, but when heroes do it people don't bat an eye and not even the hero will say anything because they want their money. In one of the biggest fights ever we go to our protagonists watching the havoc people are wreaking.


The air pressure, the bloodlust, the raw fear that surrounded the great fight of  was the only reason civilians refused to move forward. All anyone knew was that the most dangerous No.1 villain is facing what many need to call a symbol of hope, someone that is never backing away from a fight and always making sure the casualties are kept at zero, one of the true heroes. "DELAWARE SMASH!!!!" Another shock of gust as the symbol screamed and pounded repeatedly into the No.1 villain who was screaming in pain as his mask was split revealing an unrecognisable face, no one knew who it was. Then suddenly the symbol went flying, vulnerable in the air he tried to use his quirk to create enough air pressure so that he could get on the ground. It failed. People gasped at what they saw next, the best hero was a human kebab on a black tendril circuited with red neon. It went through his side but before he could even react to counter this, the villain was gone. The tendril hanging in the air before falling to the tarmac. Even weeks later no news came from the symbol's health, but the No.1 villain was named Potato due to his face looking like a mashed one. This allowed the government to keep a record of the villain after seeing what damage he is willing to cause.

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