The first day at the most fucked up school in the world

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The day was as sunny as its predecessors, but probably won't be as calm as them. You see today the breeze rested gently upon the leaves surrounding the small building the group of so-called villains used as their dormitory, though not for long as they would be moving into another official dormitory with the other people that made it into their class. The group was all still asleep at 10 minutes before lessons. Peaceful dreams and expressions crossed their faces until one sprung awake, teal and blood red hair covered his face in such a way that he couldn't see his alarm clock so as soon as he went to stroke it away so he could see his clothes at the other side of the room he got such a shock he fell of his bed causing a thump echoing through the building, with some water he gave each of his group's members an almighty wakeup call that he was grateful not a single person did to him. Within 5 minutes and a huge amount of swears being thrown around the building they each had their clothes on and were outside on the pathway with sleep deprived faces belonging to the boys who were all up most of the night watching anime for no reason other than most of them were weebs and the other 2 were forced. Amythest cared a lot more about her grades and school in general, so she slept despite the arguments that arrived within the no sleeper group.

As they started to run to their different classes, Dafydd and Dylan saw a random yellow sleeping bag travelling in the vents above them, guessing it was probably a student too lazy to head to class Dylan paused his momentum to throw the bag into the ceiling of the vents. hearing a slight grunt and an angry shout he began to run again catching up to the other 4 in the hero course just before entering a monster sized door with a sign above it marked "1-A". The sight indoors was quite hilarious; The boy that was probably the one that took out the zero pointer in oRevi's arena was standing over the one that helped Dylan and Dafydd, explosions crackling across his palm. The blade wielder greenette looked up unimpressed " The fuck are you doing again bro, like no one gives a fuck you took out a zero pointer by yourself because rumour has it you broke all of your god dam legs and arms just in one move." The explosion wielder's face turned to one that spelt pissed. "SO, WHAT ITS NOT LIKE YOU ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING BUT PASS BY TAKING OUT LITTLE 3 POINTERS!!!" his voice was heard by everyone on that current side of the school, and everyone went quiet until a hand was placed on each shoulder of the loud tsar bomb. " You see this man did do something, same with me and the others that are party of my squad. To be precise this green haired celery stick climbed the zero pointer with me and the other blue haired dick at the door and tore apart a zero pointer from the head down but different to you not one of us broke a bone. Dylan coughed in the background to point out that Dafydd fully snapped one of his legs with a misplaced tail strike while landing down form the hunk of metal the students had to face. The rest of the class just stood there waiting to see what would happen, but their expectations were cut short when the yellow caterpillar Dylan yeeted rose up from behind the teacher's desk and screamed " SHUT UP AND SIT IN YOUR SEATS BEFORE I EXPELL OR YOUR ASSES!!" the room went silent and followed the orders given. "Good, now that you have shut up we can get down to business. To start, introduce yourselves and while you do that......" The new teacher fell backwards back into his sleeping bag as a completely black and white being wondered to the front. "My name is Shihai Kuroiro and my quirk is black, it allows me and any object I choose to move anywhere within the darkness and possess people if they have a shadow on them. So, who's next?" He then jumped into the shadow caused by the desk and appeared inside the shadow of his chair. His example was followed by a ginger haired girl who introduced herself as Itsuka Kendo with the quirk big hand. As the next moments passed everyone began to introduce themselves and name their quirk. Eventually everyone had a mental list that went something like this:
Shihai Kuriro quirk black
Itsuka Kendo quirk big hand
Nieto Monoma quirk copy
Fukimage Tokoyami Quirk dark shadow
Kyoka Jiro quirk Earphone jack
Denki Kaminari quirk electricity
Momo Yaoyorozu quirk Creation
Setsuna Tokage quirk lizard
Reiko Yanagi quirk poltergeist
Juzo Honenuki quirk softening
Ejiro Kirishima quirk hardening
Yosetsu Awase quirk welding
Mina Ashido Quirk Acid
Katsuki Bakugo quirk explosion
oRevi quirk dark machinery
Amythest/Dusty quirk element control
Dominik Blade quirks overtime and knife
Morasper quirks immortality and trapper
Blue quirks Telekenisis, weapon creation and shadow manipulation
Wave quirks Death touch, water manipulation and Kagune
Touka Aizawa quirk burning blood
Mayumi Todoroki quirk Purple flames

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