Villains and Vigilantes meet. The damage.... Unmeasurable.

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It was an early morning for most of the class, they arrived at the gates to UA not ready for the challenges in the training that was to come. They were slow, dreary and for the most part still asleep. An engine was heard in the distance and it wasn't long before Momo spotted it driving down the street towards them. It pulled up. The window rolled down and inside was a smirking Eraser Head. "Right, get on the bus and wake up as much as you can. You will need every bit of energy you have ever had." The class obeyed all getting on the bus, most people just sat in their groups but as Dafydd, Dylan and Morgan went to sit at the back leaving the centre seat free for whoever they were pulled to the side by Midnight. The class ignored this thinking it was just to tell them off for scaring her in the fights or what not. "Are you guys ok after last night not tired at all?" She smiled sadistically clearly eager to hear if the boys were wanting to avoid civilisation and exercise. They stood there still half asleep until it registered in Dafydd's mind they were supposed to answer. "We could say the same about you though couldn't we. We can see the bags from the other side of the bus. Not being rude just being honest ma'am." Midnight sat there accepting defeat, allowing the boys to sit down. With the back seats now being taken the three were all split up and sat down in the closest available seats. Morgan, who was the most awake out of all of them, walked to the centre of the bus to see a seat free next to Mayumi who slightly tensed up as someone sat next to her before she realised  it was one of the few people she could talk to openly. Morgan apologised for scaring her and lay his head back taking in the reality that he was exhausted. The other boys just sat down next to others in their friend group, falling asleep almost instantly, Wave was seated next to the already asleep Touka and Dylan had chose to sleep next to Monoma. It had been a few minutes later that the bus left and most of the class were talking to each other or sleeping. 

About 40 minutes passed as the bus drove down the road peacefully bouncing from the occasional pothole. Mina sat talking with Jirou in her seat as she evaluated her sleeping classmates. A few people had caught her eye. They were all so cute, the ferocious and cocky demons that struck pure and true fear into her heart not even a week ago were sleeping peacefully. Dylan's head rested perfectly against Monoma's as if they were subconsciously trying to push the other back while still sleeping. She removed her phone from her pocket and aimed the camera in the direction of the 2 boys. SNAP! The picture was taken and saved to Mina's phone. Morgan had his head at a 30 degree angle as his head lay against Mayumi's shoulder their hands layered over the top of each other as they slept all the awkwardness and bliss away. Mina did the exact same as she did with Monoma and took a picture before moving onto the final duo she had her eyes and camera set on. Dafydd sat straight up looking down onto his lap with a small smile as he just watched an exhausted Touka sleep peacefully on his lap, occasionally moving black hair out of the way of her delicate face as her hands searched half-heartedly for the victim that was assisting her. As Mina went to take the photo the other classmates all looked over and witnessed the calm scene of what was destined to be a relationship. The phone went SNAP one last time as the children went back to talking. The bus came to a halt and the students filed off waking those that were asleep as they cleared their eyes and saw a huge building in front of them. "Welcome kids... To The USJ."

The inside of this building was unlike anything else, through the front door you stood on top of a set of stairs that led down into a fountain surrounded by small picnic tables. Surrounding the dirt paved plaza was 8 different paths split around the centre circle 4 leading to the left and 4 to the right. They all lead to completely different areas. On the left was burning buildings, underground sewage plant, a huge lake with a single boat in the middle rocking slowly from side to side and an expansive forest that stretched to the side of the first area on the right side. A giant mountain with a singular, steep sloping that curved around the rock almost carving into its sides before flattening out on the roof of the mountain. Next to it stood a similar city to the one on the left except this one wasn't on fire and was made purely out of insanely tall buildings. In between the skyscrapers was safety nets that looked relatively unsafe from where the students were standing, but their eyes kept on drifting to the next path that lead to a snowy plain with pockets of small hills and frozen over streams and ponds, the students looked on with sparkling eyes after the calm scene they had just witnessed. Their nice envisions had just been crushed when they looked over to the last arena. A horrific turntable on the calm land they had seen as a terrible monsoon consumed a small town as lightning struck the antennas and chimneys of the buildings. Aizawa followed his students eyes all the way to the final arena before speaking. "As you can see every area here is an extreme of a slight slice of your hero work. But well better prepare for the worst so then it can happen without terrifying you. But hopefully it will." As he finished talking a small astronaut no taller then 5ft 4. Instantly Mayumi awoke from her semi slumber as she started to fangirl about her favourite hero, 13 the space hero. One of the most renowned rescue heroes in the world. "It's 13 omg i didn't realise that you were actually that puffy in that giant jacket of yours. It's so cute omg omg i can't wait to see your quirk in action. Wait wait wait." She stopped a more and more confused tone in her voice every time she repeated the word. "What are you even doing here? shouldn't you be doing hero work?" 13 started to chuckle under the pitch black helmet. "I had a day off and wanted to meet the new generation and train them with the knowledge I have acquired over my years. But thanks for introducing me to the class."
"See Aizawa it's nice to meet your fans, you should get some." Midnight whispered down his ear, slowly annoying him. 
"Well today we are going to be splitting into groups and rescuing dummies in the different so then you can understand how not to use your quirk violently yet use it to be saving lives and not destroying them." 

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