The Practical Exams...

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"Oh, is that cheating? Well do villains wait for a countdown you idiots." The crowd fell silent before following the others into the arena while some were getting crushed by the coming stampede, they were involved in. As the next moments passed, people activated their quirks and set off towards the nearest swarm of robots.

At ground Echo Amythest ran into the arena, vines and rocks leaving dangerous pathways behind her before reaching out and crushing the robots that sliced at her. As she turned around a laser blast came flying towards her, rock blasted apart meters in front of her replacing whatever plasma the beam was made from. The more she ran, the more and more people she encountered fighting brutally against the robots. She turned a corner only to see a group of 5 three pointers crowding round a lamppost scouting the area for a victim until one of them laid their Metallic lens of an eye onto her and charged blades swinging, it was shortly followed by its friends as the 1st went up in flames. The second one crept forward cautious of what had just happened to its friend, this caution however caused its death as Lois kept forth with a blade made from rose spikes with magma flowing over the sides of it onto her hands. Only barely due to her quirk can she hold onto the sword as it melted threw the metal protecting the robot as droplets of the liquid spread onto the floor turning the road into a tar pit, a lethal one for the flanking robot as it froze in the tar as the earth opened up. Making flaking concrete fall from the buildings nearby. As the final 2 approached the lasers took aim and sliced through the girl's forearm. As she stood there looking at the hole that had just opened. A contestant appeared her body purple flames came from the sides destroying the circuitry of her enemies. Before Lois sat down due to exhaustion, she was greeted by the other contestant who was a brunette-haired girl with purple eyes. "Wait a few seconds before starting up again, u might need to be more careful next time." The girl disappeared into the mass of noise coming from everywhere within this fake city.
Robots were turning against each other, tearing at mechanical flesh at the puppeteers will. Corrupted and confused the faux villains' numbers started to decrease, struggling to fight against their own kind. The competitors flung themselves at the robots hoping to steal the points of the mechanical genius destroying the hardware of their enemy's, all but a few were cared for with ease as blades and guns cut through their flesh and rendered them unconscious. The puppeteer was oblivious to the fact that he was hurting other people until "Oi dickhead use only Ur own fucking mechanisms not UA's, understand" he turned round not knowing the location of this voice, only knowing that it was one of his future teachers. He let go of the robots and leapt out from his watch tower within his arena, an immense forest shrouded with wildlife and robots. In his hands a mechanism started to build. " One cog slides into the conveyer, pull the pin back, equip the nozzle and Vola! A perfect automatic EMP launcher" The teachers spied from the control centre whispering about how destructive Eraser head's project really is. oRevi took the rifle and aimed down the sights scouting for any more points he could acquire, the. In the distance he spotted a group of robots fighting a singular boy, the boy used his quirk in such ways in kept the robots at bay however it only really kept them still for 4 charges to fly at hypersonic speed into the chinks of the armour exploding into a small electrical field on impact. The boy dropped to the floor devastated his points had been stolen but as oRevi moved forward to make sure his points were secured, the boy lunged at him. Absolute hatred consuming his eyes oRevi was slow to react and got pinned to the floor as fists hit his half android face breaking knuckles on impact over and over again, his attacker screamed out in pain before leaving enough of an opening for oRevi to spin onto his front and launched himself and the kid from the floor, as to not leave any chances for another surprise attack oRevi shot his assaulter once in the nape rendering him paralysed for the rest of the test. Noise occurred in the forest; an alarm had just gone off. "The Zero Pointer has been released... The Zero Pointer has been released." The announcer droned on. oRevi was just going to ignore the robot that would get him no benefit before seeing the sheer size of it. At least 50 meters high covered in what seemed to be military grade titanium, the six eyes targeted the largest groups of people until suddenly a figure catapulted towards the head of the mechanical giant, the giant's hands moved upwards to grab the person until suddenly a flash of orange turned the whole sky into a sunset. When the sun turned to normal, the person was falling at the same time as the robot they had just taken out. oRevi was about to rush over to see what happened to the one that fell before "Time is up, please return to the entrance gate. Anyone injured please go towards the clinic." The robotic announcer once again went quiet after speaking.

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