If you go down, do it stupidly

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Three were moving across rooftops trying to get to their target, people with the balls to try to assassinate them. As they jumped high a bullet flew towards them. It paused and crumbled into black matter, the culprit stayed in the shadows a look of pure shock and hatred hung over his mechanical face. The three continued to run straight towards the hideout of the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) with one ideal in mind stop them from creating a perfect weapon...

As they arrived many were heading in for the night as the time was close to the moon's ascension. The new bred killers moved, the moon to their backs as they descended bringing death along for the ride. "Oi what the fuck are you doing here get the fuck of this private prop-" his voice box decided to leave his body at this moment while fearing Wave's sword. The body following it to the ground while the others spread out trying to find a way inside. As Morasper did so he set 3 traps by the entrance and placed them on explosion, while Shadow set 3 monsters to guard the three's back.

As they made their way through the levels the people became easier and easier to kill. Until when they reached the last floor they saw it, a massive monster trapped in a tube forcing a shock gasp from the intruders, its eyes opened and then...

"Yo mates what in the name of hell is that shit?" Wave said on instinct a panic entering his voice. "I don't really give a fuck, but I think we gotta start running!" The other two said this in sync as the giant monster started to turn red as it muttered in a robotic tone " KA-MI-KA-ZE" the three just got out in time due to the fact they got blasted away by the 3 mines Morasper had planted earlier. Their radios started to go mental as at the other end they could hear the terrified voice of Dusty as she had just watched the building her found family was in crumble to the ground "a-a-are yo-you o-ok" her voice was filled with uncertainty as she knew only one would've survived if they had remained inside. "Yes, we are ok I am heading home now, I'm leaving the hard night's work to Dafydd. The boy needs some fresh air." A sigh was heard on the other side "if you're coming home atleast bring along Morgan as well I don't need to injured fucks coming home at 6 in the fucking morning" a chorus of 'Yes' was heard coming from the trapper's mouth. Then a bullet followed. The boy choked on his own blood as a shadowy figure walked out from behind them. They couldn't see him clearly, but he was holding a short, shafted spear and a flint knock in his hands while his body was covered in purple and black runes. His neck was a mixture of plates and wires very much like Ieuan. The tension built up before Morgan finally turned around and said "what the fuck was that for" the assailant was shocked he had hit this trapper in the spinal cord yet he was still standing. He should be at least crippled even with the amount of blood he was standing in. The boys looked at him as his spear rose flying at the kid with two differently coloured eyes. The boy had anger inside of him and soon turned completely red, one of dried blood and charged at his victim cutting deep with his flexible blade and rejoiced when he realised this robot was a real person as well due to him bleeding.

As mentioned before during this alter ego Dafydd loses all sense of humanity; despite his unusual desire for blood in his normal form due to its taste, he never takes it. But in this form well you never know.

Dafydd hoisted up one of his blades that had successfully cut his target and allowed the blood to drip in his mouth. "Ahhhhhh. That's nice give me MORE!" On hearing this all the other boys leaped away, the two other vigilantes heading back to base and the assassin calling in backup. Dafydd charged at the Android and noticed a name carved into his spine. It read: oRevi...
... "Ahh oRevi how nice to know your name before you die" the robot was taken aback, only one knew his real name, only his master. This outraged him and he charged hoping he would be able to last long enough for backup to arrive. His spear hit Wave directly in the left lung causing him to step back and realise what he was doing. He gained his consciousness and retreated hoping his friend was ok after getting shot. oRevi let him go and begin following him as Wave seemingly disappeared before re-emerging in the sky a few hundred meters away.

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